Chapter Eighteen: Unthinkable

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Rose tugged at the trousers painfully digging into her stomach. When tailoring the outfit this morning there were no measurements to work from, only the clothes Scorpius came back in from the previous interview. The clothes weren't exact, but it was all she had.

All night, Rose prepared herself for this journey. While Scorpius was sound asleep, knocked out by a sleeping draught, she worked. She put together a list of protection wards to place over Marcus's flat, created a list of the most crucial questions for Marcus to answer, gathered supplies, found the spare vile of the American lawyer's hair that was kept around for emergencies, and mended clothes that would fit the new appearance. 

It'd taken most of the night and early morning, giving her only a few hours to sleep. She woke early and checked on Scorpius. He was sound asleep, curled up on the floor, snoring softly. A note from Rose rested by his head, so he wouldn't miss it once he woke. 

Hopefully, he would forgive her when she returned. 

Tugging at the trousers again, Rose surveyed the old building. It was 3 stories tall, cushioned between two other buildings that were at least 4-6 stories taller. Compared to the other flats, this one was shabby. Alone it might have been charming. With its brownstone style and decorated patios, it held a quality Rose couldn't help but like, even with its withered windows and broken railings. 

With a deep breath, Rose approached the building, jogging up the 2 flights of stairs to Marcus's flat. By the time she reached the landing, she was out of breath.

Rose leaned against the rickety railing to catch her breath. After a few moments, she collected herself and advanced down the hall until she stood in front of the flat. There was a sweet welcome mat outside the door as if inviting Rose in for a friendly chat. If only it was going to be that simple.

The clock in the hallway read 8:12. There were about 15 minutes left til the effects of the polyjuice potion wore off. It was a risk, but she didn't plan on retaking the potion. Marcus could potentially become her number-one witness. Building their trust was crucial. That couldn't happen under the guise of someone else. 

She knocked and a few moments later, a short woman with wild grey hair opened the door. Her eyes widened in recognition. 

She was dressed in a worn-out nightgown with holes in the sleeve. Her feet were bare and chalked full of dirt like she'd gone for a walk in the flower beds. Her blue eyes practically glowed, irradiating her dark skin. 

"Oh, Mr. Cygnus!" She exclaimed, "We didn't know you'd be stopping by today. Is everything alright?"

Rose coughed in hopes of covering up the surprise leaking on her face. In all the times they'd talked about the American lawyer, they'd never given him a name. What a simple fact to overlook.

Leave it to Scorpius to pick a constellation as a name. 

"Everything is fine," Rose assured, pulling out the MACUSA badge. "I apologize for dropping by on such short notice. We had a break in the case and I need to speak with Marcus right away."

The woman took the badge, gingerly examining it, before pulling out her wand and giving it another exam. She straightened her wand and for the next few minutes, Rose was subjected to a series of spells.

"Come in," The woman finally said, "I just put on a pot of tea. Would you like some?"

Rose declined her offer and stepped inside. The flat was small. The kitchen and living room were crunched into the same space, with a hallway leading down to what she knew to be the bathroom and two rooms, with one resembling a closet more than a room. 

The kitchen was bright white with delicately painted blue flowers on each piece of backsplash. A kettle steamed on the stove, wafting an aroma similar to flowers. Everything about the kitchen reminded Rose of a quaint tea shop. 

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