Chapter Twenty-One: Daze

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Rose crashed into the dock with a humph. The dock shook against the sudden impact, threatening to plunge into the unruffled sea.

Something wet and warm soaked the back of her neck. With shaking hands, Rose massaged her neck. Pulling her fingers away, she was surprised to see blood trickling down her arm. She watched, entranced as a drop of the liquid swirled further down her arm, leaving a streak of red in its path. 

For once in her life she wasn't left feeling nauseous at the sight of blood.

Who was bleeding?

Rose glanced around, looking for what could have caused the bleeding. Where her left shoulder should have been, instead, she found a mound of flesh with a river of blood.

Where did her arm go? Rose tapped her shoulder as if that would fix the wound. Her arm should have been there.

"Oops." She chuckled, as her vision started to blur. Her eyelids fluttered desperately fighting the exhaustion. It'd been a long day. She'd rest her eyes for just a few minutes and then she'd find her arm. It couldn't have gone too far.

Just as Rose closed her eyes, ready to surrender to the drowsiness, a series of cracks sent her eyelids flying up. She strained to keep her eyelids open searching for the source of the noise. 

"Rose!" Voices cried. The dock shuddered as feet pounded against it.

She smiled dazedly as 3 wizards rushed forward. "Oh, it's you. Have you seen my arm?"

Scorpius dropped to his knees, examining her shoulder. "Dammit, Rose." He grumbled.

Al knelt next to her, grabbing her attached hand and squeezing it. "Rose, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Rose blinked at him happily. She told him she was okay. The pain wasn't really that bad anymore. A good nap would fix everything. 

Al glanced up at his Dad worriedly. Rose wasn't sure why. She was just fine. Al kept speaking to her in a reassuring voice, that reminded her of when Aunt Ginny would care for them when they were sick or hurt. Was she sick? 

"We can't stay here." Uncle Harry declared, glancing anxiously around them. "We're too exposed. We need to move her now!"

"We can't move her in this condition. She's too unstable." Scorpius argued, his eyes never leaving Rose, as he began pulling out supplies. "She's badly splinched. If we move her now, it could prevent a successful reattachment."

Uncle Harry cursed, "How fast can you heal her?"

"I brought along some Dittany. It should be able to hold her over until we're back under cover."

"Do it quickly."

Rose rolled her head, her gaze fixating on Scorpius. Her eyelids felt like a million pounds. She wanted so badly to close them, but something about the urgency in Scoprius's face wouldn't let her. She studied him, noticing the wrinkle in the middle of his forehead he always got when he was worried. 

"Albus, I need you to focus and help me hold her still. This is going to hurt and she'll want to make a lot of noise. You're going to need to muffle her screams." Scorpius commanded, "Mr. Potter you need to pack up the area. Rose's briefcase is just over there and you'll need to find her wand. One of you will need to clear out the blood and any evidence that we were here."

He was kind of cute when he was ordering people around.

Scorpius hesitated for a second, finally looking Rose in the eye before he pulled open the vial. Did she say that out loud?

Albus repositioned himself and put a hand over her mouth. 

Scorpius poured the contents of the vial onto her shoulder. 

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