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The streets were busy. Kokichi was hardly paying attention to where he'd been going, merely following the crowd. He was too busy focusing on his phone, the blinking cursor on the blank notes app glaring up at him. Kokichi couldn't think of anything to write, nothing to post on his soulmates blog. The loud noises of the city and the crowd of people he'd been following bumping into him. The boy sighed and shoved his phone into his back pocket. He figured a walk could help him gain some ideas.

The crowd he'd been following was stopped at a crosswalk. They were just waiting for the crosswalk to change from the red hand to the green walking symbol. Lost in thought, it was almost as if Kokichi had entered autopilot mode. He crossed with the crowd, the other group on the other side crossing as well. 

Suddenly, Kokichi's vision, his entire world burst into color. The boy stumbled back a bit, receiving a few odd looks. His entire world had been black and white, his parents had always been preaching on about how he would meet his soulmate and when they met, he'd be able to see the world in full color.

Kokichi had always been so careful not to touch others. He'd been careless today. He couldn't be mad for long, though. He didn't see who he'd touched. He could still carry on with his life, not having to worry about some stranger trying to track him down to see who their soulmate was. 

The sudden burst of color into his visions, colors he'd never seen before, colors he didn't know the name of, everything was a bit too much for him. 

He sat on a bench once he and the group reached the other end of the crosswalk. He pulled out his phone to call his best friend and room mate Miu Iruma. 

The phone rang a few times before it clicked and an annoyed groan sounded from the other end. "What? I'm in the middle of a stream!" The female whined, though concerned that her friend had called her when he knew she was busy.

"Too much color, come pick me up," Kokichi muttered, hanging his head low and squeezing his eyes shut. He whined softly as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Miu clicked her tongue on the other end and sighed, her voice getting ever so slightly softer. "Be there in a few. Send my your location and I'll come pick you up."

"Kay," Kokichi said before there was a click and the call ended. Sending his location to the girl, Kokichi leaned back against the bench, whining softly. he rubbed his temples, praying the girl would come to get him soon.


Kaito Momota, owner of the small space-themed plant and garden care shop 'Supernova', stumbled clumsily into the shop. He was late enough as it was, but to be this clumsy? Kirumi and Tenko looked at each other as Kaito felt his way to the counter and sank down against it, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes.

"Is something the matter, Kaito?" Kirumi asked, though the answer was quite obviously a yes.

"Yes, can you shut the blinds and dim the lights? My eyes and head hurt, colors are hard to take in all at once," Kaito groaned. Tenko rushed to shut the blinds, Kirumi flipping the 'open' sign to say 'closed' as she shut the door. She dimmed the lights as Kaito requested and Tenko sat by Kaito.

"Sooooooo, you meet your soulmate?" Tenko asked, nudging Kaito with her shoulder.

The magenta haired boy glanced at the green haired girl and shrugged. "Kinda? I mean I guess I bumped into them on my rush here but I didn't catch a face," Kaito says. "I mean, I was running alongside the people in the crowd tryna cross the street and then - BAM! - I can see colors! Colors are weird. My eyes hurt," Kaito whined.

"Whining like a child isn't going to make your head hurt any less," Kirumi pointed out, digging through the drawers for the acetaminophen she was sure she'd stashed away. 

"But it huuuurts!" Kaito whined, throwing his head back to look up at Kirumi who had pulled the bottle of pills from the drawer. She bumped it closed and shook a few out the bottle, handing them to Kaito a she searched the shop for water.

Tenko poked Kaito in the side of the head. "You guys are soooo weak," she teased. Kaito whined and swatted her hand away as Kirumi returned with a glass of water. "Does the weak little baby boy need to learn his colors again?" She asked in a tone that you would speak to an infant with. Kaito merely smacked the back of her head lightly, her elbowing his shoulder in return. Kaito washed the pills down with the water Kirumi had provided.

"Don't baby me, Chabashira," Kaito said, with a faked mean look. Tenko smacked his shoulder, harder than Kaito had expected her to and he rubbed his now stinging shoulder.

"Don't be such a baby then, Momota!" Tenko returned, the two's arguing more of sibling banter rather than actual arguing.

Kirumi cleared her throat and stared at the two, arms crossed. "Enough playing, you two. Kaito made a mess and now both of you will be cleaning it up," she hummed, handing them a broom a mop each. The two groaned in unison and stood to begin cleaning.


Boom. New Oumota fic. Ignore that i'm still re-uploading The Stars Were Made For Us, I was way too excited to put this one out there. But the prologue is done! I've decided that I'll touch on soulmate AUs again after avoiding them since the 6th grade. So here's Stardust! I'm gonna get to the top of the Oumota tag >:)

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