Chapter 2

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A few weeks after Kokichi and Ibuki agreed to a collaboration song, Ibuki had confirmed it and tweeted it out. Kokichi's small fan base grew considerably larger after Ibuki had announced this, which was something that Kokichi had never found to be an issue.

Until he was out on a walk and a large bunch of people recognized him and began chasing him down for a picture or an autograph. Kokichi was speeding down the sidewalk, taking random turns trying to shake off the crowd. He finally managed to get ahead of the crowd and took a sharp turn around a corner, bursting into a shop he didn't bother to check the name of and jumped behind the counter, out of breath. Kokichi could hear people running by the shop, screaming and searching for him. Kokichi shut his eyes and leaned back against the inside of the counter, catching his breath before remembering that he was inside of a shop. He opened his eyes and made immediate eye contact with a man he could only assume worked in the shop. The male was rather muscular and wore a green apron over an older grey T-shirt and some bleach stained black jeans. His eyes wee purple, almost matching his maroon hair that was tied back in a pony tail. He had a goatee as well. His skin was tanned and covered in freckles.

"Oh, hey," Kokichi says, looking at the male who was staring back at him in surprise and disbelief. Kokichi blinked at the guy in silence, looking him over again. He found the name tag that was pinned to the green apron. It read 'Kaito' with stars doodled all over it. He now knew the workers name. "So you work here...?"

"Oh- yeah. Uhh, are you okay? You kinda just...burst in? And then hid?? Do I need to call the cops?" The worker, Kaito, asked.

"Don't call the cops I'm a criminal! They'll lock me away for sure!" Kokichi exclaimed, gripping the front straps of Kaito's green apron. He saw Kaito tense and reach behind him, feeling for something, making Kokichi giggle and release him. "Kidding~!" He hummed, sitting back and folding his arms behind his head. "Maybe," he added, to confuse the muscular boy in front of him.

"U-uhm-" Kaito backed away a bit, visibly nervous. Kokichi laughs a bit, watching Kaito.

"Anyways!" Kokichi stands up and hops back over the counter, shutting the blinds of the windows as he walked around the shop, looking at all the plants. "Aww, this is just a cute little plant shop!" Kokichi says, poking at a potted plant. He could feel Kaito watching him closely. "Relax~! Did that joke about me being a criminal get to you that much?" Kokichi asked, turning suddenly to Kaito, causing the male to jump.

"W-well, if you're not some kind of crazy criminal, then who are you?" Kaito asks.

"Oh, y'know, just a minor celebrity," Kokichi shrugged, looking around again. The small shop was decorated in star stickers and constellations. He picked up a small potted cactus. "Running from fans, trying to get some peace," Kokichi shrugs. 

"Oh," Kaito says.

"Yup," Kokichi hums, putting down the cactus. He continues walking around the small shop. "This is a really cute sop!" Kokichi says again.

"Thanks," Kaito says.

Kokichi turned back to Kaito to look him over again, this time taking in more details instead of just trying to identify him. His grey shirt was riddled with bleach stains, his jeans torn at the knees and faded around the area, likely from being on his knees a lot. His knees were slightly red and a bit bruised and a smirk grew slowly on Kokichi's face. Kaito looked slightly off put by the look on Kokichi's face. "So what's a pretty boy like you been doing on your knees?" Kokichi hummed, his eyes flicking back down to his jeans.

Kaito's face flushed a bright red, and he threw the nearest thing at Kokichi, a flyer for a sale the shop was having. He skimmed over it, learning the name of the shop. Supernova.

As if something magically clicked in Kaito's mind, he gasped and covered his mouth. "Oh I know you!" He exclaimed. "You run that anti soulmates blog!" Kaito says.

"You also hate the soulmate system?" Kokichi asked, raising a brow.

"No, you're wrong and your blog is bullshit," Kaito says, turning to fix everything Kokichi had picked up and put in the wrong spot. 

Kokichi coughed, looking at Kaito. "Wow! So rude!" Kokichi exclaimed. "You're just mad cause I'm cuter than you. Hmph!" Kokichi says. Kaito gave Kokichi a bored look, eyebrows raised. "I'll excuse your rudeness because you're hot," Kokichi huffs. A blush crept its way into Kaito's cheeks and the taller male looked away.

"Well, your mob of fans is gone! Get out!" Kaito says, setting down the plant he'd been holding. He began pushing Kokichi out of the shop. "Out with you!"

"Awww, but I wanted to bother you more!" Kokichi whines. "Can I come back later then~?" Kokichi asks.

"No! Out!" Kaito huffs, pushing Kokichi out the door. Kokichi whined.

"I'll see you tomorrow~!" Kokichi almost purred as the door was shut in his face. He giggled and began his walk back to the apartment, making sure he took a more hidden back way.


Kaito walked into the small apartment where he lived with one of his college professors and his wife, both of which Kaito viewed as his parents. He was greeted by Aoi Asahina, Yasuhiro's wife. She stood up on her toes to give him a kiss on the cheek and grinned at the boy. "Hi Kaito!" She hummed. 

"Hey," he yawned, walking to the small couch and collapsing onto it.

"Yeah?" Aoi asks, sitting by Kaito's head. Kaito groaned and buried his face in one of the pillows that were strewn lazily across the couch. "Ah, tell me about it," she says, patting Kaito on the head.

"This dude came into the shop today and he kept teasing me and making fun of me, but he was that dude that runs that super popular anti soulmates blog!" Kaito huffed. Aoi giggled, trying to contain her laughter. Kaito huffed. "Stop laughing at meeeee!" He whined.

Aoi laughs into her hand. "No, I'm not laughing at you I promise!" Aoi laughs.

"You're laughing right now!!" Kaito complained. 


Boom, a second chapter. Please read this instead of The Stars Were made for Us, that fanfic haunts my dreams </3

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