Chapter 3

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Kokichi walked into the apartment, managing to remain hidden as he came back from his walk. There would be a day when he decided to deal with the mob of people and fans who were desperate to get closer to him or know more about Ibuki, but today was just not the day.

As he walked in, Kokichi saw his friend and ex girlfriend Tsumugi Shirogane. He waved to her and Miu as the two paused whatever conversation they'd been having previously to look at the purple haired boy. "Well speak of the devil!" Miu exclaimed as Tsumugi waved back politely.

"Awww, you were talking about me?" Kokichi cooed, dropping himself onto the couch.

"'Mugi wants us to come to a party she's throwing with all of her college buddies," Miu says, flopping down on the opposite end of the couch. "Think you'll be able to make it with you being famous 'n all that?" Miu nudged Kokichi in the side.

"I suppose I can make some room in my schedule to make a grand appearance at her party, let me just check my oh-so busy schedule!" Kokichi exaggerated. He made a great deal of pulling his phone out and looking over his empty calendar that had nothing on it save for the marked day of his and Ibuki's concert, which would be on New Years Eve at midnight. "Well, it seems I have some time to spare," Kokichi says, dropping his phone on the couch next to him and looked back up at Tsumugi who was giggling at the two. "When's the party?"

"Oh! I'll be holding it tomorrow night around 9," Tsumugi says. "It'll be going all night so feel free to join whenever you feel like it. Wouldn't wanna impose on your oh so busy schedule since you're so famous now."

Kokichi laughs and leaned his head back against the couch. Miu was the one who spoke first. "So, cute plant shop guy?" She asks.

"Cute plant shop guy," Kokichi replied with a nod.

Tsumugi raised a brow at the two as her phone chimed. She checked it and pocketed it as she headed towards the door, waving to Miu and Kokichi. "See you two tomorrow!" She hummed.

Kokichi and Miu both waved a Tsumugi left them.

"So tell me about the cute plant shop guy?" Miu asks.

"Oh will do," Kokichi says, turning himself to face his blonde best friend, spilling every detail he had about his encounter with Kaito.


Kokichi was getting ready for the party Tsumugi had invited him to. He'd been working with Ibuki on the song all day, both of them getting nowhere besides throwing their ideas out and decided on a few good ideas. Nothing set, though.

Kokichi browsed through his closet before finally settling for a lilac colored cropped-hoodie, the band at the bottom being a checkered pattern. He threw on a pair of ripped skinny jeans with it and looked to mirror that sat against his wall, looking himself up and down. "Damn, I look good," he hummed, shutting his closet door. He made his way out to the living room and snatched the car keys off a hook on the wall. After saying a quick goodbye to Miu, Kokichi was on his way. He punched in the address Tsumugi had texted him earlier and began driving. He didn't plan on doing any drinking that night so he figured it'd be fine to just drive.

Kokichi had arrived at the flat soon enough and parked his car amongst the mess of cars that were parked around the house. He got out of the car and made his way to the door which was cracked open. Kokichi rolled his eyes at how easy it would've been for someone to break in, despite the neighborhood being relatively safe. Kokichi scanned the medium sized crowd for his blue haired friend. The small table full of snacks snagged his attention, though, and he made his way towards it quickly.

He grabbed something off of the table and nibbled on it as he continued to scan the people for his friend. Music was blaring through the house, someone was screaming along to a song somewhere, the place reeked of booze and body odor and perfume. After trying again, and failing, to find his friend, he began to scan the crowd for familiar faces instead. Across the room, at the table that held all of the drinks, Kokichi caught sight of someone familiar. He pushed through the crowd once more and neared the person.

Kaito Momota.

Kokichi tapped the boy's shoulder, causing the taller male to spin wildly before finally spotting Kokichi. His expression turned annoyed at which Kokichi faked being offended at.

"We meet again, Momota!" Kokichi shouted over the music.

"What are you doing here, weirdo?" Kaito shouted back.

Kokichi pressed a hand to his chest and let his mouth hang open in a mock hurt expression. Kaito raised a brow at the feigned offense and went back to refilling his cup with whatever Tsumugi had been supplying.

Somewhere distant, Kokichi registered that the door had opened and people started cheering and giggling and laughing.

"Woah, the professor Hagakure is joining the party!" Someone yelled near the front door, which was followed by an annoyed grumbling.

Kaito's eyes widened at this and his expression quickly turned panicked. It was Kokichi's turn to raise his brows at Kaito which the taller boy only ignored.

Rolling his eyes, Kokichi elbowed Kaito in the side and lifted the table cloth with his foot. He nodded downward at the table and Kaito scrambled to hide underneath. Kokichi let the table cloth fall to hide Kaito from sight and then picked up a cup, swirling it's contents around. He sniffed the cup and went to dump it in the potted plant that had been shoved in the corner by the table when someone walked up to Kokichi.

Kokichi looked up at Yasuhiro Hagakure and his eyebrows flicked up, his mouth curling into a smile as he set the cup down. "Never took you as the type to party," Kokichi near purred.

"Ugh, Ouma. I'm not here to party. Have you seen a boy named Kaito Momota? He has a weird spiky hair-do?" Yasuhiro asked.

Kokichi made a show of pretending to think about someone who fit the professor's description. "Nope, never heard of the guy," Kokichi says, shrugging. "Have fun looking! Try not to miss me too much," Kokichi said in a sickeningly sweet tone. The older man cringed at the tone and continued asking around for Kaito before eventually leaving.

After a few minutes, Kokichi crouched down and lifted the table cloth. "What was that about?" He mused.

"Leave it alone, shorty," Kaito groaned, grabbing a new cup and filling it up. Kokichi raised a brow and splashed Kaito with the drink he had in his hand, he taller boy glaring down at the shorter.

"You owe me, hot stuff," Kokichi said smugly. "And I know just where to find you." Kokichi poked Kaito's chest for emphasis. "I'll claim that favor whenever I feel is fit, honey. Enjoy the party~!"

Kokichi walked off, leaving a very drenched, very confused looking Kaito behind him.


Mental Health update!

It was not a depressive episode, just a psychotic episode <3

In all seriousness, though, I'm fine. I'll be updating this more frequently now that this chapter is out of the way.

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