Chapter 4

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Kaito woke up, glancing around the room. It wasn't one he knew at all. His brain pounded inside of his skull, almost as if the brain inside was trying to get out. The boy sat up and looked around. "Fuck, where am I?" He muttered to himself.

"Good morning sweetheart~" A slightly annoying, high-pitched voice hummed. Kokichi popped into view, a shit-eating grin plastered to his face. Disgust made his way onto Kaito's own, earning him a swift smack to the forehead. Kaito sat up quickly and swung his legs off the couch, a mistake. His vision blurred and shifted, a piercing pain shooting through his head.

"Ay! That's no face to make at someone who took you home to make sure you didn't crash trying to get home, dip shit," Kokichi scoffed. Kaito made a face of confusion at the boy, earning him a sigh. "You got black out fucking drunk last night. Mugi asked me to drive you to my place for the night before you tried to drive yourself home. You were a pain in the ass too." 

Kaito flushed softly in embarrassment. He said nothing in return to Kokichi's statement. He merely sat up quickly and swung his legs off the couch, a mistake. His vision blurred and shifted, a piercing pain shooting through his head. Gripping his head, he groaned softly. "Anyways, since I saved your sorry pathetic ass, you owe me," Kokichi hummed.

This got a reaction out of Kaito. "What?! I didn't ask you to drive me home, why do I have to owe you anything??" Kaito fired at Kokichi. Kokichi merely rolled his eyes and turned in a whirl to look at the boy.

"Would you rather me have you drive home, black out drunk and you get in a crash and devastate Professor Hiro?" Kokichi questioned, jabbing his finger at Kaito's chest. The boy stared at Kokichi, challenging him, before backing down.

"No," Kaito muttered sheepishly, staring at his knees. A silence crept through the apartment before Kokichi sighed and knelt down. He peeked up at Kaito and poked him in the center of his forehead.

"Cheer up, loverboy. I'm cashing in on that favor right now. Go look through my closet and see if you can find something that fits you." Kokichi hummed. Kaito glared at Kokichi briefly before standing off the couch.

"You want me to wear your clothes? That's your favor?" Kaito asked.

"No, idiot, I'm taking you to breakfast," Kokichi says. "My room is the last one down the hall." Kaito nodded slowly, as if still trying to get a grasp on the situation. He then began down the hall. "Don't dig through my dresser or you might find something you won't like~" Kokichi yelled down the hall.

Kaito's footsteps came to a stop and then continued, harder, down the hall. Kokichi laughed and then knocked on Miu's door, coming in without waiting for an answer, throwing a hand over his eyes. "You naked?"

"Pfft! You wish! Close the door," Miu scoffed. Kokichi dropped his hand and stepped in, closing the door behind him as requested. Kokichi sat down on Miu's bed and the girl turned in her chair to look at the smaller boy. She wore a pink tank top and a pair of shorts. "Things not going good with plant boy?"

"No, things are going well. He's just...a little difficult to deal with. And also very hungover. I'm gonna take him to get breakfast and then drop him off by Mugi's so he can drive himself home." Kokichi shrugged. 

"Awww, look at you taking care of this man! You'd make an excellent wife," Miu teased, tossing him a bottle of ibuprofen that was clearly meant for Kaito. Kokichi stuck his tongue out at Miu and sat up. He crossed the floor and gave her a kiss on he top of her head.

"See you later, slut," Kokichi hummed, opening the door.

"As always, manwhore," Miu hummed, turning back to her computer screen. Kokichi walked out of the room and made his way down to his own, slipping in silently. Kaito stood in front of the closet, dumbfounded. He was looking at the clothes that were in his closet, doubt clouding his expression.

"You want to try on a skirt?" Kokichi asked, joking. Kaito jumped nearly three feet high and turned to look at Kokichi. Kokichi squeezed under Kaito's arm and thumbed through the clothes on the rack. He took down a button up shirt with a design you might see on the floor of a roller skating rink. He handed that to Kaito and then moved to a box at the floor of the closet labeled "Taro's Clothes".

"Who's Taro?" Kaito asked, straining to read the box.

"An ex," Kokichi shrugged.

"Oh. Sorry," Kaito mumbled.

"Nah it's fine. He's my editor now and proof reads for my blog. He found his soulmate, though. Proud of him. Still haven't given him back his clothes yet, though," Kokichi explained. "You two are roughly the same size so let me see what I have." Kaito nodded and sat back on Kokichi's bed. Kokichi turned to look at Kaito over his shoulder. "You wanna wear skinny jeans?" He joked. Kaito grimaced at Kokichi, causing the smaller boy to laugh. Kokichi dug through the box some more and then stood, tossing the pair of jeans to Kaito. They had a few paint stains splattered across them, but aside from that they were plain black jeans.

"Change in the bathroom and leave your other clothes here. I'll wash em and give en back to you later," Kokichi said, pointing Kaito in the direction of the bathroom. Kaito nodded and headed off, Kokichi shutting the door behind him. He turned to the closet and grabbed something for himself. He picked out a white pleated skirt and a lavender sweater. Lavender was his new favorite color, Miu thought it looked good on him. He did too.

He smoothed the skirt over his legs and looked himself over in the mirror.  "Yeah. I look good," he mumbled, turning to the side a bit. He turned to look for his brush. He found it and brushed his hair back, out of his face. He tied it in a high ponytail and grabbed his phone off the nightstand, taking a picture in the mirror, the phone covering his face completely. He tweeted it out with the caption 'date time.' and began down the hall to where Kaito was likely waiting.

Kaito stood in the living room, way taller than Kokichi. At least a foot taller. Kokichi looked up at Kaito who was wearing what he thought an uncle would wear and giggled a bit. "What? Does it look bad?" Kaito asked.

"No no, you look fine," Kokichi said, covering his face. And he did, Kokichi just found it funny how much Kaito stood out from everything in the room. "Let's get-"

"RIB CHECK!" Miu shouted and jabbed at Kokichi's ribs.

"OW MIU WHAT THE FUCK-" Kokichi screamed, placing a hand over where she had just jabbed her fingers.

"Rate the pain. 1 to Take off your fucking binder now," Miu said in a hushed tone, being careful of Kaito.

Kaito watched the two, concerned. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but didn't and turned to stand near the door.

"I'll take it off later, asshole," Kokichi hissed. Miu raised a brow. "I swear I will now let me leave!"

Miu glared at Kokichi and then turned to Kaito. "Take care of the little piss stain. Later," Miu waved and then retreated back into her room.

"Piss...stain?" Kaito asked.

"Dont listen to her she's got nothing but dick on the brain," he said, shouting after her the last part. She stuck her hand out of her door and flipped Kokichi off. Kokichi rolled his eyes and looked at Kaito. "Ready to go?" He asked, rubbing his ribs again.

Kaito nodded and Kokichi grabbed his keys off the wall, bumping the door open with his hip. He held it open and nodded through the door, telling Kaito to head out. Locking the door, Kokichi made his way to the small white car that sat in a parking spot outside of the door. "Get in," Kokichi yawned, making his way to the car. He didn't stop to wait for Kaito and ducked into the car, starting it up. Kaito joined him in the car. His head touched the roof of the car. "Feel free to adjust the seat," Kokichi said, starting the car.

Kaito nodded and adjusted the seat so he had more leg room. Kokichi looked at Kaito from the corner of his eye. He had the first few buttons of the skirt undone giving Kokichi a nice peek at his chest. The jeans were a little tight against him. His hair fell in messy clumps around his face and Kokichi wanted nothing more than to run his hands through it. Kokichi sighed with a smile on his lips and peered out of the parking lot.


Surprise!! It's not being discontinued!! I will be very slow with updates though as I have higher priority stories to update. But I will be updating this one nonetheless!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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