Chapter 1

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Kokichi threw himself back onto the bed, pillows and sheets moving on the bed in time with his fall. "Miu I'm bored!" He yelled, rolling over to look at the girl who sat at her desk. She threw the flash cards she'd been using to teach Kokichi the colors and their names. 

"Stop whining! I don't wanna teach you the dumb colors anyways!" Miu huffed, turning away from Kokichi in her chair. Kokichi grumbled and threw one of the cards back at her.

"Learning colors is so lame!!" Kokichi shouts. He rolls back over to bury his face in the bed sheets. "I just wanna sing things and write songs! I've been doing that just find without colors!"

"Then get outta my room!" Miu smacked Kokichi with her pillow. "Get lost, shorty!!"

Kokichi whines and gets up off the bed, heading to his own room next door. He dragged his feet as he reluctantly made his way to his own desk. He sunk down in the chair and opened up his laptop. After logging in, he turned on his phone and opened back up to the still blank note. Still no ideas for a blog entry, he decides to scroll aimlessly through Tumblr. He saw post after post about soulmates and meeting soulmates and wanting to meet soulmates. Groaning loudly, he switched to Twitter. He was greeted with quite a few tweets from Ibuki Mioda, a popular music artist. She was quite the frequent tweeter, feeling the need to share everything she thinks, anything she likes, or anything she thinks is funny.

Kokichi saw a screenshot of one of his own music videos, the frame it had been been paused on was not a very flattering shot of Kokichi. Ibuki had posted the screenshot saying "Hey, this guy's pretty good!"

Kokichi chuckled to himself and commented underneath it, "Lol he's not that good."

Not thinking anymore into it, he continues scrolling before logging off of his laptop and pushing himself backwards to his bed. He got up off of his chair and flopped off of his bed. He stared at the blank note and quickly typed out a few vague ideas for songs. Ideas along the lines of 'soulmates' and 'colors' and 'change'. He tossed his phone off to the side and turned on his TV, clicking through the channels to find something interesting. He settled for some cheesy rom-com that was already half over, hoping to find any inspiration for a new song. After a bit, Kokichi fell asleep on his bed, the TV buzzing on in the background.


"Hey! Wake up, little weirdo."

Kokichi opened an eye and glanced at Miu. "Mmmm, what?" Kokichi mumbled tiredly, burying his face back in his pillow. Miu yanked the pillow from under his head and placed her hand on her hip.

"It's your turn to go out and get dinner," Miu says.

"Don't wanna," Kokichi whined, burying the heels of his palms in his eyes.

"You gotta, now get up!!" Miu smacked him with his pillow. Kokichi whined, earning him another pillow smack from Miu. Finally getting up, Kokichi snatched the pillow away from Miu and tossed it onto his bed. 

"Well whaddya want?" Kokichi mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He glances up to Miu as he sat up in his bed. He stood and walked past Miu, looking through his closet for something else to throw on while Miu thought about what she wanted for dinner. The boy threw on a hoodie, a color he now knew as lavender,  and turned to Miu.

"Can you go get Chinese?" Miu asked. She tossed him the house keys which he caught effortlessly.

"Yeah yeah, sure," Kokichi yawned. He headed to the front door, slipped his shoes on, and left the apartment. The two lived on the second floor, so Kokichi made his way down the stairs. It was already late and pretty dark out so Kokichi couldn't see many of the colors outside save for some darker greens in the bushes and trees and the dulled colors of cars he could see from the top of the stairs. It was almost like when he couldn't see color at all, which was oddly comforting to the boy.

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