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Your POV

I was a famous singer but I had to stop because of my tourettes, I had a best friend Aidn Gallagher I lived with him and his parent's since my parents kicked me out because of my tourettes. I shared a room with Aidan because there was two beds. I always wake up before Aidan in the morning and my tourettes woke him up but he didn't mind and he would always make me breakfast in the morning's. Aidan was always there for me even when I'm having tic attacks. I started to have a little crush on him after a month or two of living with him. "Aidan" I say before wistling a tic. "Yea?" He asks. "Can we do a live steam today?" Your tourettes were mikd today so you couod just do a normal stream today. "Yea sure ill set it up" Adian replied with a smile.

Aidan's POV

My best friend y/n has been living with me and my parents for  7 months ever since her parents kicked her out and I've had a crush on her since she moved here. I was setting up the live stream then me and y/n started answering questions then alot of people said things like "y/n's tics are annoying" "Isn't her touretts getting in the way at all?"  Alot of people started giving hate to y/n for the first time, she's already tried committing before because of her tourettes but the comments are just making it worse. She definitely noticed them because her mood change from really happy and energetic to sad and quiet and her head was down. "Just a quick reminder if you send hate to y/n you will be blocked." Her head shot up and looked at me with shock in the eyes. "She is a strong women who is trying her hardest with her tourettes and you guys giving her hate for it makes it harder for her." Her eyes widened when I said that and I couod see her cheeks grow warm and pink. "She deserves to feel pain and miserable because she stole you from us." Another comment said. "She does not deserve pain and she deserve everything in the world, she is the strongest women in the world and she has being trying so hard most her life fighting tourettes syndrome along with anxiety and depression and if you don't appreciate that then you can leave." All of a sudden I could feel arms rap around me and a head rest on my chest. She was hugging me and I felt my shirt get kinda wet. She was crying from all the hate. I hug her and tell her it's ok.

Your POV

Aidan was telling  the chat to stop sending me hate then I hugged him and cried into his chest because idk how to deal with hate since it was my first time getting hate on a live stream. The only time ive ever had hate was from my parents who used to beat me. I still have scars and bruises from that. Aidan ended the live stream after a couple of minutes and carried me bridal style to his bed and cuddled me (that's what Aidan normally does when your sad so your used to it) "Are you ok?" He asked with a calm gentle voice.  "Mhm" you replied really tired. He kissed my forehead and started playing with my hair untill I fell asleep on his chest as he wiped the dry tears off my cheeks. He whispered in my ear "goodnight princess." He didn't know I heard him but I did because I'm a really light sleeper and that made me blush like crazy and smiled in my sleep. Soon after he fell asleep with his arms around me

Aidans parent's POV

We were outside the adains door listening to them and watching what they were doing through the little crack of his door. We were there cause we heard sobbing from the room so we ran upstairs to see what was going on. We heard Aidan speaking saying to his streaming chat not to give hate to y/n and there were hugging each other. It was so cuteeeee. After that we saw Aidan turn off the stream and carry y/n bridal style to his bed. His mom was about to scream because it was so cute but his dad covered her mouth so she didn't. We both heard Aidan whisper "goodnight princess" in y/n's ear then he fell asleep. When we got downstaits his mom screamed. "HE KISSED HER FOREHEAD AND CALLED HER PRINCESS IT WAS SO CUTEEEEEEEEEE." "I know, I wonder if there together?" His dad questioned "WE NEED TO ASK THEM TOMORROW!!!" His mom shouted almost waking you up.


So that was episode one, not alot of it was about tourettes so the next wpisode of this series will be more interesting and we will add more tourettes into it. Sorry, this is my first ever story lol. I hope you like it, I'm gonna post the next one in a bit xx.

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now