Filming with tourettes

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This story kinda links with the first story I made. Just saying I do not have tourettes but I do have these random days were I have random tics. And the only reason I know so much is because I saw alot about it.

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Aidan's POV

Me and my girlfriend y/n are filming today and she has tourettes. I told the director her tourettes were kinda bad today but they didn't mind. When we got there one of the actors ran up to us and said hi. Y/n gagged, it was her tourettes and she really didn't like this girl cause she would make fun of y/n tourettes. "Oi bitch, don't gag at me." She says giving y/n a dirty look. "Emma, shut up, it's her tourettes." I say standing up for y/n. (Sorry if your name is Emma.)
"She's probably faking it." Emma said hitting her in the head then I grabbed her by the shirt. "Don't you dare hit y/n because I will make you regret it." I say out of anger. Y/n ran away crying cause she hit her really hard. "Y/n wait!!!" I shout letting go of Emma and running after her. She kept screaming really loud because today she had alot of vocal tics. "I hug her to calm her down then I kiss her forehead to make the pain go away. 1 hour later we were on set and we were doing a comedy. Y/n all of a sudden had a new tic, it was a spine it. Her back would bend then she would fall to the ground. "Nooo." She says frustrated. "It's ok, we will re-do the scene." The director was really sweet when it came to y/n's tourettes. She kept having spine tics so they decided to change the scene to something else where I'm in it so I have to hug her from behind supporting her from her spine tics. She was saying one of her lines but her tics kept getting in the way. "I don't ca- *whistle* we are getting- *tiny scream*. I'm so sorry, I'm ruining it." She says really sad cause her tourettes were getting worse and we decided to have are break earlier so I went up to the director's. "Uhm, when y/n's tourettes get worse it's almost like a signal that she is gonna have a tic attack. Could we maybe shoot tomorrow when her tourettes get better?" I ask. "Sure." The director smiled then when I walked back to y/n I saw her sitting on the chair, she was trying to talk to her friend but her tourettes kept ruining it. "A bit of wine will help." Her tourettes said making her and her friends laugh. I walk up to her and grab her hand. "Hey baby." I say looking into her eyes. "Hi bubs." She says standing up giving me a little peck on the lips. "We will be doing are scenes tomorrow instead of today." "Oh ok, by Tommy." Ugh, she's hanging out with that Thomas guy again. We walked back to are trailer then after about an hour she ended up having a tic attack. They were alot of vocal tics but she did hit herself her and there but I was there supporting her to make sure she doesn't hurt herself too much. It went on for about 2 hours then it ended midnight and she was very tired from it, it took all her energy out of her the after like five minutes she was out cold. I felt so bad for her.


There's another part done. I find it much easier typing cause I just got my phone fixed.
Hope you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Xx 😘

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now