Put. Her. Down. (better version)

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Nevaeh's POV

I was sitting on the chair in Five's room doing work on my computer while he was writing equations on the wall.

Ok, I think I've got something Neah." He says using the nickname he made up for me. "Its tenuous, but promising." He says. "Who are you talking to? And what's all of this?" Luther asks walking in. "Hi." I wave to him.

It's a probability map." Five says continuing to write on his walls. "Probability of what?" Luther asks. "Of who's death could save the world." I answer for Five. "I've narrowed it down to four." Five says.

"Are you saying one of these four people causes the apocalypse?" Luther asks. "No, he's saying that that there death could prevent it." I say. "I'm not following." Luther saying leaning a bit closer to Five. "Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alterations in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum." Five replies looking at Luther.

"The butterfly effect. So all he has to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the timeline, wherever they may be, and kill them." I finish for Five.

"Mitlon Greene." Luther reads off the wall. "So who's he? A terrorist or something?" He asks. "We believe he's a gardener." Five says writing in a notebook. "Your can't be serious." Luther says in a state of shock. "This is madness Five. You-" Luther says but cuts himself off when he sees Five pull a gun out from under his bed making me stiffle a laugh.

"W-Where did you get that?" Luther asks, shocked. "In dad's room." He answers like it's nothing. "I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros." I say. "Yeah he did." Five says smiling at me. "It's similar to the model I used at work, nice shoulder fit and highly reliable." He continues.

"But you can't- This guy Milton is just an innocent man." Luther says. Man he's irritating. "It's basic math Luther. His death could possibly save the lives of billions." I say getting up and walking next to Five.

"If I did nothing he'd be dead in four days anyway. The apocalypse wont spare anyone." He says. "We don't do this kind of thing." Luther says. "We are not doing anything. Me and Nevaeh are." Five says. "I can't let you two go and kill innocent people. No matter how many lives you'll save." Luther protests. "Well good luck stopping us." Five says as we start walking into the door.

"Your not going anywhere." Luther says before grabbing me tightly around the wrist and basically throwing me out the window as I dangle out the window. I scream, pain shooting through my wrist as his grip tightens. "Put. Her. Down." Five says with a stern voice.

"Put the gun down. Your not killing anyone." Luther says. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god." I say kind of panicking as I feel his grip loosen, threatening to drop me. "Luther. Don't you dare drop me." I say but he ignores me.

"I know she's important to you, so don't make me do this. It's either her or the gun." Luther says. Five looked between me and Luther almost like he can't choose. Luther then let's go making me scream in shock.

Five's POV

Luther let's go of Nevaeh so I drop the gun and spacial jump to Nevaeh catching her and pulling her in the room, then she pulls me into a hug breathing heavily and shaking violently. "Your ok. Your ok." I say sitting her down on my lap and looking at her wrist to see if she's ok as she lays her head on my shoulder trying to catch her breath.

"I can do this all day." Luther says as Nevaeh whispers in my ear "Some brother he is." And I laugh a little. "I know your still a good person Five. Otherwise you wouldn't have risked everything to come back and save us all. But your not on your own anymore." Luther says. "There is one way. But it's just about impossible." He says looking at Luther,

"More impossible than what brought you back here?" Luther asks before looking at me with an apologetic look but i just glare at him. Five looks back at me and Luther immediately knows what the answer to his question is so he leaves.

"Five." I say finally catching my breath. "What's up Love?" He asks. "I'm tired." She says, probably exhausted from what happened today. "Mkay, we can go to bed then love." I say carrying her to bed, pulling her close to my chest and falling asleep.


785 words

I've decided to delete the previous version of this because it sucked, I hope you like this version, if you don't then oh well, I can't do anything about that. Love you my Kings and Queens. Hope you have a great day or night wherever you are in the world. Xx 😘

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now