Abuse part 2

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Aidan's POV

While she was sleeping, I pulled her sleeves up because I was getting really concerned and saw a bunch of cuts, I knew she was self harming because it looked like it was meant to happen and they were new. My eyes widen and I start to cry silently. I hug her really tight while crying silently in her chest. I didn't know she was doing this, I feel like such a horrible boyfriend for not noticing. I wish I did then I could have done something sooner. Then something came to my mind making me sob. What if she has tried to kill herself?! Is that why I didn't see her for a whole day, cause she was trying to kill herself?! Y/n woke up due to my sobbing. "Bubs?" She says. I looked up at her and saw concern and confusion in her eyes. "Bubs what's wrong did, something happen, did you have a nightmare?" She asks wiping my tears but more just kept pouring out. "Why would you hurt yourself like this?" I say grabbing her hand and looking at her wrists. "W-What?!" She asks with wide eyes. I kissed her on the lips softly for like 10 seconds then looked into her eyes. "Why did you do this?" I ask. "Did I do or say something wrong, am I-" " Babi it's not you, your perfect bubs and I love you so much." She says resting her forehead on mine while her eyes start watering. "Why?" I ask sobbing. "Can I tell you in the morning, I don't really feel like tqlking about it now." She says while tears roll down her cheeks. "Ok baby, I love you." I say wiping her tears. "I love you too bubs." I kiss her on the lips for ten seconds then I slid my tougue in her mouth. I love her so much and I never wamt anything to happen to her.


So, that's part 2 for you, I would keep going but I've got to get ready for the summer party I have. I hope you like it xx 😘

Aidan Gallagher imagineWhere stories live. Discover now