I will be reborn
in this land of light and heat,
just like the Phoenix************
I love it here. I mean, the bathroom leaves much to be desired and I'm sharing a very small room with a messyish person and I'm sleeping on an air mattress but all in all I like it. I've already got a job interview set up for tomorrow XD Can't wait till we get out new place.An unrhymed Japanese poem recording the essence of a moment. Nature is combined with human nature. It usually consists of three lines of 5/7/5 (5 kana in the first line, 7 kana in the second line, and 5 kana in the third line) totaling seventeen kana.
A Poet's Journey
PoezjaA Poetry Challenge Revisited This is for poets who want to learn about and write more challenging forms of poetry. For the next twelve months we will pick one type of poetry and write a minimum of one poem a week in that month's chosen style- prefer...