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SSR Compound.

      After the incident, Steve had to give his blood so you decided to join your friend. "Think you got enough?" Asked he rolling down his sleeve. "Any hope of reproducing a program is locked in your genetic code. But without Dr. Erskine, it could take years." Said Peggy. 

"He deserved more than this." Retorted the super-soldier. "If it could only work once, he'd be proud it was you." You said placing a hand on his shoulder. Steve simply replied with a small smile.


SSR tech lab.

Peggy, Steve, and you got into a car in direction of the laboratory. Once it arrived, you saw the colonel with another man. You greeted them with a nod. "Colonel Phillips, my committee is demanding answers." Said Senator Brandt. 

"Great. Why don't we start with how a German spy got a ride to my secret installation in your car?" Said Chester Phillips to Stark who was working on the submarine. "What have we got here?"

"Speaking modestly, I'm the best mechanical engineer in this country. But I don't know what's inside this thing or how it works. We're not even close to this technology." You crossed your arms. "Speaking modestly." You quoted as you slightly shook your head.
"Then who is?" Asked Brandt. "HYDRA. I'm sure you've been reading our briefings." Answered Phillips. "I'm on a number of committees, Colonel." Retorted the Senator. "HYDRA is the Nazi deep science division. It's led by Johann Schmidt." Said Peggy. "But he has much bigger ambitions." You said.

"HYDRA's practically a cult. They worship Schmidt, they think he's invincible." Said Chester Phillips. "So what are you gonna do about it?" Asked Brandt. "Spoke to the president this morning. As of today, the SSR is being retasked." Said he getting closer to you and Peggy.
"Colonel?" Said the British woman. "We are taking the fight to HYDRA. Pack your bags, Agent Carter and Agent Barnes. You too, Stark. You're flying to London tonight." Informed the Colonel. Steve and Phillips walked away and began to speak. The last thing you saw was their handshake.


July 1943, New York. 

After a long day, you finally got home. Grocery bags in hands, you managed to get upstairs. You cursed when a bag fell on the floor "Where are my damn keys? I can't find anything in this bag I swear."

When you put your key in the lock, you smelled a slight burnt odor but brushed it off, thinking it was just someone as clumsy as you who forgot they had food in the oven. Minutes later, you finished storing away your groceries.

You began to boil water when people started to yell. You heard an explosion and started to put the pieces together. What you smelled earlier was actually not food getting burnt. You took important things in a bag and left the room. 

However, when you reached the stairs, huge flames blocked the way. Panicking, you tried to calm down. You spotted a window and opened it. A crowd was looking at the burning building. "Too high for me to jump..."

You looked at all your neighbor's doors and made sure no one was in here anymore. The smoke began to fill your lungs, making you cough. The fir started to grow bigger and bigger as seconds passed.

The smell of sulfur made its way to your nose and you put a cloth on your mouth to not inhale too much of the toxic gas. You didn't know what to do, you were caught between the flames. Suddenly, a fireman started to put out the fire.

"Come on ma'am, you need to get out!" He said as you ran towards him. You finally got out and a few doctors checked your state. He sat you on a bench and you coughed. "You breathed some toxic gas but not enough to be mortal, you're a lucky one. If you stayed any longer, you'll be extremely damaged."

You difficultly gulped. "Good to know." You replied. "Do you have water?" You asked. "I'm sorry, not here. I have to check other people, you're free to go home." He realized what he said and nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "There's a telephone booth out there, you should call someone."

You nodded and got up. "Peggy is working, James, well it's not like he's at the war or something." You sighed and tried to think about who you should call. "Maybe Stark..." You dialed his phone number and hoped he would pick up the phone.

"Damn it! Nobody's answering." You said as you got out of the booth. "I guess I'm just going to sit here and cry." You buried your head in your hands, surrounded by many emotions at once. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

You lifted your head and saw none other than Howard Stark. "Oh god I finally found you, are you oka-" You sighed in relief, and without thinking, you threw your hands around his neck. "I didn't know I would be so happy to see you one day." You said as tears formed in your eyes.

You pulled away and heat crept on your face due to your deed. "Sorry about that." You said. "It's fine." He replied softly. A tear rolled on your cheek and Howard noticed it. He cupped your face with his hands and wiped your tears with his thumb. "Hey hey hey... Look at me... Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need medical attention?" He turned around. "Hey! Can anyone get me a doctor right now?!" He yelled.

You grabbed his arm. "No no no! Someone already took care of me." You retorted. "Good. You should take a shower, you're kind of ashy." You shook your head with a slight chuckle. "You surely know how to comfort somebody." 

His eyes widened. "My apologizes, I didn't mean it in a bad way." Replied the brunette. "I'm just messing with you, I am actually well aware of that fact." You said motioning to the dirt on your clothes.

"We should go, it's getting late and you're probably starving." Said Howard as he took your small bag. "Wait. I need to find a hotel." You said. "Oh don't bother, you will live with me by now." Answered Howard.

"Are you sure you're not the one who committed arson so I could live with you?" You joked, walking towards his car. "Nah, that would be too evil." He replied. You entered his car and drove to his mansion. "Sometimes I forget that you're rich." You said shaking your head.

You were about to open your door when Howard rushed in front of the passenger's car door. "Madame..." He said holding his hand out for you to take. You chuckled and playfully rolled your eyes at his behavior. "Why thank you, gentleman." 

You stepped inside the house and headed for the kitchen. "I need water or else's I will die." The playboy followed you. You opened cupboards in order to find a glass. Howard chuckled and you turned around. "What?" You asked tilting your head.

"I just find it funny how you keep struggling to find where the glasses are." You crossed your arms. "Show me where they are then." You retorted. "I like to watch you looking for them." He replied with a playful smirk. 

You sighed. "Pleeease Howard." You said stepping closer to him. "Nope." You stared at him under your eyelashes in a seductive manner. He looked away. "How can you look beautiful with ashes on your face?"

"That's my power. Now tell me where the glasses are." You answered. "Fine, fine. But only because I don't want you to die from dehydration." You smiled proudly. "Thank you." You said after he poured you water. 

"Okay, I need a shower now." You said getting up. "Can I join?" He teased. "In your dreams Stark." You began to walk away, only to retrace one's path. "Did you change your mind?" He asked. "Where is the bathroom again?" You said rubbing the back of your neck. 

Howard laughed. "I like it when you need me." You grabbed a newspaper and smacked the back of his head with it. "Ouch! I forgot how hard you hit." 

Well, RIP y/n's flat-

I hope you enjoyed it!

Have a good day :)


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