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HEY GUYS! The ghost just got back in the game lmao, it has been soooo long since I updated so I apologise but I lost motivation so yeah- I won't update a lot but I will try to do it as much as possible :)
Also a huge thank you to Abitchforhowardstark, because well you made me want to continue this story with your comments (I know it's weird but yeah-)
Now enjoy this little chapter after 7 months of... well nothing


    You laid down in the bed and drifted off to sleep. Howard, however, was busy in his lab working on one of his projects. A few hours later, he finally decided to stop and go to sleep. Noticing your slightly opened door, he couldn't help but want to see you. Curiosity gained over him and he carefully peered through the small gap.

His lips curled up into a smile at the sight of your peaceful state. Your hair delicately fanned on the pillow, the silk sheets placed on your legs, the steady rise and fall of your chest. He was amazed by your beauty and grace. He then closed the door and went inside his bedroom.

You woke up a while later, needing to drink something. You silently went into the kitchen, not bothering to turn the light on, and drank out of the faucet. You didn't hear the footsteps coming in your way and you bumped into something... or someone.

"Woah, careful there." Said Howard as he wrapped his arm around you to keep you from falling. "You know, lights are very useful." He chuckled. "Yes, but I didn't want to wake you up with them."

"You wouldn't have don't worry. And, well, I wasn't sleeping anyway." He replied. "What are you doing this late Miss?" He asked. You chuckled. "Am I not allowed to drink?" You joked. "Not without me." He replied as he grabbed a bottle of whisky. Your eyes widened. "Come on you're not gonna drink that at 2 AM."

"Why not? It's 5 PM somewhere. " You sighed and took the bottle from his hand. "Come on... It's not that much of a big deal." Whined Howard. "I'm doing this for your own good. Don't be stubborn." You paused. "Maybe tomorrow we'll have a drink but certainly not at 2 AM."

"You're not gonna give up anyway, are you? Fine... I won't drink now." Said he. You smiled. "Good. Now go to sleep, you need to rest." You said softly. "Alright, alright." Howard and you began to walk towards your respective bedrooms. "Goodnight Stark." A smile appeared on his face. "Goodnight Barnes."


You woke up around 7:30 AM. After stretching, you got up and got dressed in the clothes Howard gave you a day before. Heading for the kitchen, you made yourself some tea and coffee for your host. "Looks like he's not awake yet." You knocked at his door but didn't get an answer, therefore you came inside of the room.

You stiffened a laugh when you saw his slightly opened mouth and messed-up hair. You couldn't deny it, that was somehow kind of endearing. You cleared your throat and he stirred in his bed. "Five more minutes."

"Howard, get your ass up." His peepers shot wide open and he looked at you. "That's not very lady-like to speak like that Miss Barnes." He teased. You rolled your eyes. "I made you coffee, hurry up before it gets cold." He unwillingly got up and put on a robe.

After taking a sip of coffee, Howard looked at you. "So, I'm thinking about going to the mall in order to buy you some clothes, because as much as I like to see you in my shirts, you need other things. What do you think Miss Barnes?"

"Well, seems like a good plan to me Mr. Stark." You replied. "Great, let me take à shower, get dressed, and then we'll go." He began to walk and turned around. "If you want to join me, the door will be unlocked." He said with a playful smirk. You rolled your eyes and shook your head. "Sorry, but I'll have to decline the offer."

"You don't know what you're missing." He said before walking away.


"Jesus, I'm concerned about your water bills, you spend an eternity in the shower." You said. "I have money sweetheart, it doesn't matter." A sly smile appeared on your lips. "Last time someone called me like that ended up with my fist against their jaw." 

"You won't punch me right?" He asked with a hint of worries filled in his voice. You stepped closer to him and played with his tie. "It depends on how you behave." He smirked and locked eyes with yours. "Bold of you to assume you'll be the one who gives orders, sweetheart." He retorted, emphasizing the last word.

Heat crept on your cheeks and you backed away. Howard had a proud grin plastered on his face. "Cat got your tongue? Looks like you lost this little game." You crossed your arms and playfully slapped his upper arm. "Will you shut up?" 

"Make me." He retorted. "You despair me." You sighed.

Thank you for reading this chapter! It was a draft so I just corrected it a little but I will try my best to update when I get time
Have an amazing daaaay and stay safe <33

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