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Howard's mansion, New York.

You locked the door and sighed as you took a look at yourself in a mirror. You stripped out of your clothes and threw them in the washing basket. Stepping into the shower, you enjoyed the cold feeling of the water against your sore muscles and burning skin.

After washing your hair and body, you realized you had a problem. "Shit." You didn't bring a towel and using Howard's one wasn't something you wanted to do. Wearing your old clothes? That would mean you would have to take another shower. You spotted a silk robe and thought it was the best choice.

You tried to remove the excess water from you and put on the robe, making sure you firmly wrapped it around you. You now had another problem: what were you gonna wear? You sighed and opened the door.

You shamefully looked for Howard. You spotted him in the kitchen and tried to hide your barely covered skin. "I- huh... I have an issue." You said, catching Howard's attention. His eyes widen at your sight and he looked up and down at you. "May I know why I have the honor of seeing you like this? Why are you literally almost naked in my kitchen? Not that this isn't pleasing me. Wait, is that my robe? It looks better on you anyway."

Your cheeks burnt from embarrassment. "Stop staring at me for Heaven's sake. I don't have clothes to wear nor a towel." You said. He stepped closer to you. "You can stay like this, I wouldn't mind." He said with a sly smirk.

"Howard. This is not funny." You retorted. "Alright sorry. I surprisingly do not have women's clothes, but we can buy some tomorrow. For now, all I can give you is one of my button up shirt and we'll figure out for the rest."

You nodded and entered Howard's bedroom. Opening his closet, he took out a beige shirt and a white cotton tank top, as well as a pair of briefs.

"Oh hold on, I think I have one of Peggy's skirt somewhere." Said the brown-eyed man. "Why would you have Peg's clothes here?" You asked.

"It's not what it looks like, she once had to use my washing machine and she forgot it." Replied he. "I got it!" Howard gave you a khaki skirt. "Thank you." You said. "What are you waiting for?" He paused for a moment. "Right, you need to change."

"I know you'll love to watch me but I need privacy, something you probably don't know the meaning of." You retorted playfully. He acted offended and closed the door. You put on the clothes he gave you and looked at yourself in the mirror. "Not that bad."

You came out of the room. "Howard?" You asked. "In the kitchen darling." Yelled Stark. You walked towards him and looked at what he was doing. He stopped and glanced at you. "Well, aren't you pretty like that?" He said crossing his arms. You rolled the long sleeves to your elbows. "You definitely should wear my shirts more often, I like it." You felt his eyes linger on every inch of your body.

He cleared his throat. "Anyways, let's eat. I made a tuna with corn and tomato salad, I know you love to eat this in summer." You smiled and raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know you remembered this." You said as you grabbed two plates.

"I am full of surprises my dear y/n." He answered, bringing the rest of the cutlery on the diner's room table. The man pulled the chair for you to sit on. "Thank you, you're gaining points after all the comments you've made."

"I was joking, you know how I am." You chuckled. "Sadly yes." He acted offended and you laughed. "Howard?" You said in a more serious tone. "Mhm?" You softly smiled. "Thanks again for allowing me to stay here."

He locked eyes with yours. "No problem at all dollface." He replied with a genuine grin. After eating, you picked up the plates and put them in the sink. "Let me help you with the dishes." He took the sponge away from your hand. "No, not happening. You're my guest, I can't let you do this."

You groaned. "Come on, it's not bothering me at all." You batted your eyelashes at him. "I can't say no to that face damnit. What kind of spell did you put me under?" You chuckled and smiled proudly. "I will never tell."

"I wash and you dry, good?" You nodded. "Yes sir." He shook his head and began to clean the dishes. He suddenly stopped and looked at you. "What?" You asked. "What are you doing here?" He said as he pointed to a plate. "Howard, that's a plate."

"It's a dish. You're also a dish." He retorted. After you got the pun, you stiffened a laugh. "I'm not gonna comment on that awful joke, now let's continue our work shall we?" You said as you threw a towel at him. Catching it, he smirked. "That wasn't very kind Barnes." You raised a playful brow. "My most sincere apologies Stark."

"You sound terribly sorry." He retorted. "It's because I indeed am." You replied. "I somehow doubt about that." He dangerously stepped closer to you. His body was now only a few inches away from yours.

You gulped as he locked eyes with you. Your heartbeat started to increase. "If you try anything I'm gonna slap you." You warned with red cheeks. A low chuckle escaped from his pink lips. Howard simply opened the cupboard above your head and placed a plate inside. "What? You really thought I was about to kiss you? Don't take your desires for reality."

You gently hit his shoulder. "Jerk." He laughed. You yawned and the brunette smiled. "Tired? You should go to sleep." You looked at the clock and nodded. Howard wrapped his arm around your shoulder. You smacked his hand. "Don't be too touchy Stark."

"Says the one who practically jumped in my arms earlier." He retorted. "For my defense, I was in an emotional mess." You replied. "Just admit that you wanted to be close to me, I won't judge." You looked at him and he chuckled. "By the way, I can give you one of my tee-shirt for you as a night outfit."

"Thanks again." You replied. "The pleasure's all mine." You shook your head and followed him into his bedroom. "Here are some undergarments for tomorrow, a shirt for tonight, and a pair of shorts, but I doubt you might use them with this heat."

"It's fine, I'll take them. Goodnight Howard." You said smiling. "Goodnight y/n, your room is the one in front of mine. Sleep well."


Another chapter for you guuuys
Have a wonderful day <3

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