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A month and a half later she is back ladies and gentlemen! Sorry again for the delay, I will most likely post a chapter every once in a while but I won't be regular at all 

August 1943, Howard's mansion, 3.45 AM

You woke up as your alarm clock went on. You groaned and sighed before getting up from the bed, wrapping your brand-new robe. Yawning as you walked towards the kitchen, you were surprised to see Howard already there.

"Morning." You said tiredly. "I'm surprised to see you up before me." 

"What can I say, I'm a man full of surprise." He said cheerfully, though you could spot a hint of fakeness in his tone. 

Truth was, he in fact did not sleep at all, so he decided to get up and wait for you until the morning. 

"I wonder what we're going to do with Peggy." You said absentmindedly.

"Probably got something to do with that son of a bitch with an ugly mustache and HYDRA." Howard replied before taking a sip of his coffee. 

You choked on your tea at his words and nodded. "Probably indeed."

Silence fell again between you. Since your previous argument, the atmosphere was strange with him. Sure, you both apologised, but deep down you knew that behind the bandaid, the wound was still open and fresh. 

"I'm going to have a shower." You announced before leaving the room. The man in front of you simply nodded. 

After you shower, you put on your freshly-washed pencil skirt and cream blouse. Later, you touched up your hair and red lips, then checked your watch. It was now 4.15, meaning that you still got at least twenty minutes before having to leave.

You spotted Howard in the corridor and gestured towards the door to signal him that he could use it. 

It was now 4.45, which meant you had to go to work. The ride was once again filled with an odd feeling. You were therefore more than happy to feel the car stop and to see the entry of the SSR. As you entered the building, you perceived Peggy talking to someone you then recognised when you got closer to her. 

"Peggy, Steve!" You greeted happily.

"Y/n! Good to see you." Replied Steve as he engulfed you in his now huge arms. He then peeked over your frame. "You too, Howard." He retorted as he let you go in order to shake hands with the genius. 

"I don't get to hug those big muscles? That's rather unfortunate Steven." Said Howard jokingly. 

Blood rushed into the super-soldier's cheeks.

"So scarlet." You said with a grin that soon faltered. "I hope my brother is alright."

Steve put a sympathetic hand on your shoulder. "He's an amazing soldier and he knows he has an amazing sister waiting for him to come home. He'll be careful and will be back faster than we think." 

"You're right." You replied, smiling at the thought of your brother.

"Are you certain he was? I'm not entirely sure about the whole 'amazing sister' part." Said Howard with a snarky grin. 

You shook your head in despair then looked back at Steve with a puzzled look. "Aren't you supposed to be on tour though? Now don't get me wrong, I am more than pleased to see you." 

The sandy-haired man sighed. "I have a day off." He said in a fake enthusiastic voice. "I will be back on the scene tomorrow."

"That's such nonsense. Look at you, you're meant to fight and those idiots are making you wave at crowds and sing songs." You retorted while moving your arms in disbelief. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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