The (L/N) Familia Household

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Name: (D/N) (L/N)

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Name: (D/N) (L/N)

Age: 44

Gender: Male

National: Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Occupation: Military (PAVN)

Status: Deceased (buried in Cai Lậy Commune, Tiền Giang Province, State of Vietnam)

Status: Deceased (buried in Cai Lậy Commune, Tiền Giang Province, State of Vietnam)

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Name: (M/N) (L/N)

Nickname: Oka-san (by (Y/N) & (Sis/N))

Age: 48

Gender: Female

National: Japan (past)

                   State of Vietnam (present)               

Occupation: Housewife

Occupation: Housewife

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Name: (Sis/N) (L/N)

Age: 29 close to 30

Gender: Female

Nationality: State of Vietnam

Occupation:  Commander (177th Infantry Regiment)

Info: (D/N) (L/N) your father was born in 1977 in his homeland of military tradition Vietnamese family his parent (your grandparent) served and fight on 3 war, when he hit 18 he enrolled Ha Noi Military Academy and going military jour to Cambodia - Laos - Malaysia - Indonesia - India -Pakistan - Japan to gain more Eastern Military knowledge, then as close to his final-year he meet his future lover soon to wife, after graduate as a PAVN Ground Force field-officer he went to Japan married (M/N) and both of them live in Sai Gon for rest of day

           (M/N) (L/N) born 1981 in stricly family live in Tokyo/ Japan, throught her childhood she was a burden of family cause they want a boy and ignore by society as she bullied by her classmate when she was almost being r#pe (D/N) save her by beating them after saving the two fall in love, (D/N) spend his final month to tries knowing her and save her from abused family, love her as final day they gave a warm kiss on the snow falling them time slowly ticking and a last promise of (D/N) return homeland attend his final-year. May 1998, (D/N) graduated he quickly booked ticket went straight to Tokyo find his lover graduate highschool, he confess her in front of school yard as Sakura tree falled and they married with chearring of both side relatives, friend. December 1999 they gaves a healthy twin which are boy & girl. (M/N) spent her happiness life with her sweet caring family.

           (Sis/N) (L/N) was born same the day you born and she is your twin sister althought she was 40 minute born late after you born first than her althought twin mutual child suppose to hate each other or compare their skill but you guys care and love each other as brother as sister (cough incest...cough) anyway back to topic, during her childhood she was the innocent and naive cutest little sis of every big brother want to protect even you sometime overprotect because you worried she will be bullied at school like you but luckily she not she was a popular star entire school of her kind, smart. When off school she alway care her big brother and her parent as you remenber how hilarious & funny your sister be as their normal life pass till the day she graduate she joint resistance during Secrect War of half year when human is victory and Indochina Federation is formed she determinate follow your military footstep and the military file show she is the first one joint Indochina Armed Force after it born.

Author: And yet you cried at that moment as you proud your sister follow your footstep

(Y/N) (crying): SHUT UP...YA AUTHROR BASTARD...(continue crying) lil sister is grow up!

Oka-san: there there don't cry son

(Y/N): Mom...please

(D/N): No U


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