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"Jane! I'm in line to meet FF5!!!" Kathryn texted to her friend and roommate back home. Both girls were huge fans of Family Force 5, but Jane had to work the day of the concert. She expected a sarcastic reply of "when haven't you met them lol", as they almost always went together when the band stopped at a nearby venue. Gripping her poster gleefully as the line lurched forward, she caught a glimpse of the blond guitarist at the closer end of the table. Her heart jumped as he grinned at a fan, peeking over his head to try and see the rest of them. A string of sadness pulled at her once she realized Soul Glow wouldn't be here. It had only been a month since he left! She was still too excited from the concert to mourn that, however, and she had been looking forward to finally meeting Hollywood. The line moved again, and she found herself face to face with Chap Stique.

"Hey! What's up?" he said as she placed the poster on the table.

"Not much, you guys were great!" she said, smiling as she watched him sign it.

"Thanks!" he said, blue eyes glittering as he returned the gesture and slid the poster down.

Man, he's cute... she thought. The three in the middle-- Fatty, Nadaddy, and Hollywood, in that order-- signed her poster and moved it on like clockwork, though Hollywood did care to chat for a moment. Kathryn decided he was a pleasant guy and took a step toward Crouton.

"Hey," he said while signing the poster. He was energetic on stage, but now he seemed tired. Kathryn understood that he would be after such an upbeat performance, yet in all the times she's met the band after a concert, he hadn't looked this... contemplative. She blinked. Why did that cross my mind? I've seen them a lot but--

"You doing alright?" she found herself saying. Oh crap. He raised his head enough to peer just under his large-framed glasses. The second he paused was an eternity to Kathryn.

"Yeah," he said, lifting the marker tentatively.

"Sorry, I-I'm like that," she blurted, attempting to seem normal, and faked a smile. He silently handed the poster to her as she glanced to her right and back. Hollywood seemed to notice and made eye contact.

"Have a good night," he said, turning to her with a cheery smile, "And don't mind him, he just didn't get a nap in today."

"Hey!" Crouton said with a strange smirk, Hollywood laughing and recoiling from the following punch in the shoulder. "What'd I say about doing that?"

"That I shouldn't," he gave the other exaggerated puppy eyes after the statement, making Kathryn and the girls next in line giggle. Crouton rolled his eyes and smiled big, but kept his mouth closed. He then looked straight at her, a suppressed wildness and intensity striking some form of fear into her heart. She saw his features soften as he chuckled that familiar chuckle, but something in the intention unsettled her. Hollywood chiming a farewell took her gaze away and calmed her nerves.

"Bye!" Kathryn said jovially, thankful that Hollywood saved two awkward moments. Casting an eye back at the table, an odd tension emanated from them, Crouton especially. He had been smiling, but was now fairly deadpan. Having talked to him before, he definitely wasn't like this any time she'd met the band. I hope he really is doing alright... Gosh. I better get home, though, it's late.

Not two days later, Jane approached Kathryn, appearing stern yet horrified.

"Kathy, look at the..."

"News? What's wrong with the world today?" she said nonchalantly. Jane was obsessed with journalism, and had gotten used to her rambling on about certain writers and articles. However, now, she shoved her phone in her face and said nothing. No raving or ranting. Kathryn read the title and everything inside her sunk into an abysmal pit. "FF5 Frontman Connected to Death of Two Bandmates... What in the-- this has got to be fake. Th--! That's his photo there! What?"

She snatched Jane's phone from her hands and read the article while deep in denial. Cha-- no, Derek and Nathan dead. Murdered. Something about a psychotic break and a weird disease Jake had. Josh and Teddy in shock and unable to give any reason as to what happened beforehand.

"Please pinch me, this is a nightmare. He was-- I just saw them--" Kathryn felt tears already spilling from her eyes and couldn't hold in a loud sob. Jane sat with her inconsolable, weeping friend, trying to wipe away the stain of mascara and eyeliner running down her own face. This could not be reality.

So guess what I've been thinking over/writing lately...
You're either gonna love me or hate me.
(attached artwork is by yours truly~)

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