Smile! (for KC)

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"C'mon, Josh," KC whined at her friend, "Just look at me, at least."

He peered up from his phone, hazel eyes reluctant to fall on her face. Josh had known KC for a long time. They clicked fairly well, and could chat for ages about their interests. She loved his band as well, so his bandmates and him were glad for the extra support. Today, Josh was feeling down, and didn't want to talk. He didn't even feel like smiling. He looked back at his phone.

"I know there's something wrong, dude, just tell me," she pleaded. All she wanted to do was to talk, laugh, and joke around, but he wasn't happy. She had a knack for sensing feelings, so he couldn't hide for much longer. "Seriously, Josh. Tell me what's up."

He sighed, putting a hand over his forehead.


"Mmph," he grunted, sitting up in his seat, "Dunno, nothing serious. Woke up like this."

KC didn't know how to respond. There had to be something else. It couldn't be that simple for the ever-enigmatic Josh Olds. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder. He sighed deeper, shutting his phone off and setting it in his lap.

"I don't wanna talk about it..."

She took her hand away, heart sinking. "Is it something..."

"You did? No... just... This is gonna sound dumb, gosh, but... I had a nightmare and it depressed me."

"Ohh," she said, relaxing her shoulders and folding her hands together, "What happened in it? If you wanna say it."

"Eh, someone I love died in it," he said, mouth becoming drawn downward even further as he looked away. KC couldn't bear to see him like this. She had to comfort him somehow. Somehow...

"What would help?"

Josh glanced at her. She smiled back raising an unsure eyebrow.

"Dunno... something funny would,"

There! she thought. She racked her brain, searching for something funny.

"Okay, hold on... so, there's two muffins in an oven. One of them says 'Hey, it's hot in here.' The other says, 'Holy crap, a talking muffin!'" KC giggled at her own joke, watching Josh intently. A second later, a tiny grin tugged at his lips, making her face light up. He closed his eyes and chuckled quietly.

"That helped. Thanks."

"You're welcome," she said, smiling as she leaned her head on his shoulder.


I apologize greatly for that horrible joke. But that's beside the point. Happy birthday, RebelDrummerKC ! You are ridiculously cool, and I love you lots. :)

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