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The imagination can kill. But on rare occasions. I've never had a genuine fear of the dark, but I do get paranoid at what could be lying in wait, something waiting to jump out at me. Something waiting to grab me from behind and torture me until one of us gets killed.
I've imagined Dementors from the Harry Potter universe floating above me, waiting to suck my soul out. Outlandish monsters have sharpened their claws and stared at me from my bedside. Zombies shuffled towards me as I walked to my bathroom. Different things, such as Slender Man, Eyeless Jack, Freddy Fazbear, the list is endless-- they've been patient lurkers. The catch is that they don't exist. The darkness plays tricks on my mind and tightens the skin on my back. Whispers echo in my head, but it's only in my head.
I laid down for a good night's rest, but I couldn't sleep. I sat up after listening to music, trying to relax my brain, for about half an hour. That was when I heard something hiss quietly in my left ear. I paused and glanced around for the culprit. A chill crept through my nerves. Standing up, a meld of shadows awaited my curiosity. Paranoia flooded from the back of my brain, but I was able to form a blockade by picturing a guardian beside me. He escorted me to the bathroom, and I closed the door on him so he could wait outside. Flipping the second switch on the silvery wall plate, filling the room with dim, pale light, I went to do my business. Going to wash my hands, I glanced at my tired features in the mirror. The glass started flashing black, and I observed the second switch in the reflection going up and down without anything touching it. Looking behind myself, the real switch was immobile. By the time I turned to the mirror again, it was pitch black, the light showing the layer of dust on it.
I backed up, staring at the strange happening and too sleep deprived to care that this wasn't natural. This was kinda cool.
"You know how things linger in the back of your mind?" a female voice of a lower register said. I nodded, but then realized what happened. Not cool anymore. The gaping space in front of me began to display two glowing white dots that grew for a second, then stopped. A blank, white smile also gleamed beneath the two dots. My brain worked furiously to connect this to other events, because, for some reason, it seemed familiar. While I was thinking, two red handprints appeared on the surface. The palms were human, but where the fingers should have been, there were long, pointed stalks. A voice came back, but it said one word. One word in an incomprehensibly frightening tone: "Hi."
It all clicked.
I turned tail and opened the door, going the route I usually walk to my room-- hitting a wall. I blinked and looked around. Gray walls, no door, no ceiling. My heart pounded as I turned towards the wall length, misty mirror. I knew I couldn't escape unless I woke up. I was awake, however. The mechanics didn't match up. I knew how this worked, but not like this!
A figure came out of the mirror, white features and shadowy form turning into exactly what I expected. It was myself, with black and white eyes, a white mouth, a gray shirt and black pants. Blood covered its face, shirt, and forearms, complete with pointy fingers.
"Why are you here?" I asked, glaring right into those white irises.
"You let me be for too long," it responded, the eerie voice raising every hair I had.
"Madness, you need to go. Now."
"Oh, Laura..." it said, bringing its icy hands to my shoulders, "You made me. I'm gonna haunt you forever."
As its frigid claws sunk into my back, my eyes flickered open. Confused, I flipped over and looked at my clock. 4:55 a.m. Must've fell asleep, I thought. Sitting up, I untangled the earbud cords from my neck, as per usual when I fall asleep listening to music, and plugged in my dead iPad. At least I can get ready early today.
Cold, wire-like objects coiled around my throat. Something hissed in my left ear.
The first paragraph is a true story. That happens to me still. I've since learned to avoid horror stuff before bed, but I slip up on occasion. Also, the Madness still creeps me out beyond belief. It's like Frankenstein's monster 21st century edition. Those eyes, man. So soulless.

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