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"What are you doing?" I asked in a cold tone. I really don't understand why they have to bully people just because they are different from the others. She didn't even break the rules then what are these people fuss about.

"Eh, Kun... what are you doing here? You must want to see this girl too, right? She doesn't choose a club that suits girls, instead pretends want to learn to dance with lots of boys. This kind of behavior deserves to be called a bitch." Shaking said. Honestly, I was very disgusted by what she does, she insulting Yuxin in front of me with her disgusting tone. I wonder how can she does that...

I saw Yuxin who was still standing where she was, I pulled her away from that place. Shaking screamed because I took her prey away while Yuxin just kept quiet following my steps.

"Why are you stay silent? You should fight or get out of there." I really don't understand why she allowed herself to be humiliated in such a public place.

"I don't want to cause trouble, after all, they'll soon get bored if I don't respond," Yuxin replied calmly. Looks like she's not as weak as I thought.

I just kept quiet as I continued to take her to the place where my locker is. I don't want to be a sudden hero but I also won't let injustice happen in front of my eyes. Especially now that the girl next to me is shivering from the cold, so I plan to give her spare clothes that I always carry with me because I'm playing basketball

"Put it on, you must be freezing cold," I said when we arrived at my locker.

"Thank you, Kun," Yuxin replied to which I only responded with a nod.


I actually brought a change of clothes because I intend to practice after school but I don't feel comfortable rejecting Kun's good intentions especially after he helped me earlier.

I thanked him then went to the toilet to change my clothes which were already very wet from the cold water they had flushed earlier. To be honest, I am already shivering from the cold.

I entered the classroom again after the incident that happened in the cafeteria earlier. A lot of people in the class were looking at me with a look I couldn't explain, and I assumed they were looking at me that way because of what happened in the cafeteria.

At first, I wanted to sit in the back so no one would notice me but it looks like that will never happen, thanks to the incident that happened in the cafeteria earlier now all the people in class looking at me like I'm a weirdo.


I came home early because class ended earlier than I thought. I intend to practice at my new club but it seems that plan can't be carried out today, Shuxin looks for me and ordered me to go home immediately. I don't know what she wants to do...

And here I am... in the house with my twin who keeps on babbling because I don't fight back. I don't intend to fight and she's blabbering here even though she's not helping me either, well I don't mind that either.


"Why don't you fight back when they treat you like that? I'm not helping you because I don't want to deal with those people, anyways even if I advance I can't help you either so you should be able to take care of yourself. The first day on campus you've made a fuss like this, what if someone reports to our parents? What should I tell them?" I asked Yuxin who was just listening quietly. Don't get me wrong even though I didn't do anything I still love my sister. Honestly, I don't want to get into trouble on campus, especially since most of my current friends are their people.

"I'm okay Jie, after all, there was Kun who helped me. If this conversation is over I'll go up first, I want to do my job." She said then climbed the stairs to her room. I also have no intention of stopping her since I've already said everything I wanted to say.

She's always been like that since she was little, ignoring what she considers unimportant. It's not that I don't want to help my beloved sister but I don't have the ability to fight those bullies. She is often underestimated by the people around her because her appearance is considered not to reach the standards of a woman but I can confirm that Yuxin is an extraordinary person and she is amazing...

"Yuxin I'm going first, I'll be back before midnight." I do have a lot of meetings with my friends, I'm not used to staying at home and doing nothing.

There was no reply... it seemed she didn't hear me. Must be experimenting with her music, I don't know what this kid is doing. I immediately left because I did not hear any reply.


I'm currently at the basketball court with the other basketball teams, as usual, my team won the match this time. I sat with Cheng Cheng in the dressing room, the original intention was to change my clothes before going home but I just realized that I gave my clothes to my neighbor so I ended up sitting waiting for Cheng Cheng to finish because he said want to go home together.

"You know Kun, you looked really cool earlier in the cafeteria. What was that? Prince charming saved the princess from danger?" Cheng Cheng said suddenly when I told him I lent my spare clothes to Yuxin. Stupid of me, why do I need to tell him about that? Even though I know how he would react very well...

"Hmm" I had no intention of answering his bullshit.

"Oh, come on don't be so cold, you know what I'm saying is true." He says still trying to tease me.

"What's right? I just can't stand to see someone being treated unfairly like that, after all, you also supported me to help her."

"Yes, it is true. What's wrong with helping people, those who don't have a heart just watching like that is something fun. They are not worthy to be called a human!" at first teased me now he got emotional. This kid really has unstable emotions...

"This talk about my neighbor ends here, now hurry up and pack your things and let's go home. I can't stand to take a shower when I get home, my body is all sticky right now." I said a little impatient

"Okay boss!" He answers


When I got home I see my mom sitting on the sofa while watching TV.

"I'm back mom..." I said when I already put my shoes in the shoe rack.

"Go take a shower then go down to eat." My mom said, like always... but that's the thing that I like, it really feels like a home.

"Ok mom, I'll be quick," I answered then quickly go upstairs where my room is at.


I see Kun is going upstairs so I planned to invite Yuxin to go eat at our house as well. Her parents normally won't go back early and her sister probably goes out again with her friends so I conclude that she is home alone. Rather than being home alone why not invite her to eat at our house, it's actually just a reason... the actual reason is I miss the girl that I already consider as my daughter.

"Yuxin, can you go to aunty's house? I assume you haven't eaten yet, let's eat together if you have time." I said to Yuxin when she picks up my call

"Ok aunty, I'll be there in a minute... Bye aunty." She answered


Hello, I'm back with another chapter... thanks to you all who is reading

Reminder, this story is made based on the writer's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual person. Let's support these two amazing people with love because they deserve the love...

For those of you who are fans of the antagonists in this story, please don't be angry because I made their characters according to the needs of the story and didn't mean to offend. They all are really good people in real life...

See you guys next week? Bye....

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