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I am already in front of aunty's house after receiving a call from her a few minutes ago, I pressed the bell, and not long after that aunty came out to open the door.

"Come on in Yuxin..., aunty cooked a lot earlier," Auntie said and pulled me with her excitedly into the house.

"Slow down aunty, don't be in a hurry," I said reminding because she pulled me so eagerly. Actually, I asked her to walk slowly because I just sprained my ankle when I came down my house stairs. Well... I sprained it when I took Kun's clothes which I was going to return when aunty invite me to eat at her house, luckily aunty didn't see anything strange from me.

I sat at the dining table because aunty casually pulled me to sit there, actually, I feel aunty is more like a mother to me because she always looks after me and puts me first in everything, even she treats me better than her child. I once thought about how if Kun doesn't like this, maybe he will feel that his mother is less love him even though I know she loves him a lot but so far Kun seems to be fine about this, therefore I became calmer after that.

"KUN COME DOWN EAT!" Aunty shouted from downstairs.

I immediately fell silent, I didn't know that Kun was at home. I don't know why I'm always restless when Kun is around, maybe because we're not close and the atmosphere always becomes awkward when the two of us are in the same room.


I immediately went downstairs because mom shouted for me, even though I am about to go downstairs but mom screamed first. Well...

I saw Yuxin in the dining room with mom, I think it's a habit for mom to call my neighbor to eat together. Usually, I don't come home this early, but because I have to change clothes so I got home earlier than usual.

I sat in the seat next to mom and I could see that Yuxin looked uneasy after I sat in the chair right in front of her. I don't know why Yuxin always looks uncomfortable when I'm around her and when I don't do anything that makes her uncomfortable.


I sat on the living room sofa and saw that my clothes were on the table that is in there, it seemed that Yuxin had brought them. I took it to take a look at it and it turned out that the clothes had been washed and folded neatly, well from what I know Yuxin is indeed a responsible person and maintains good hygiene.

I turned and found Yuxin walking into the kitchen with steps that were quite strange in my opinion, I wanted to ask her but I saw mom was still with her in the kitchen so I keep myself from talking about it.

"Kun, mom goes up first. Be good with Yuxin, I want to enjoy my nap so don't do anything noisy especially fighting." Mom said when she had finished washing the dishes we used for lunch. Did I look like a guy that will be in a fight with a girl? I wonder how my mom thinks I would be in a fight with Yuxin...

I saw mom go up and I return my gaze to Yuxin, she is looking around awkwardly in all directions. Does being alone with me feel so awkward? What's happening with all these people?


I sat back in the chair in the dining room, I don't know if it was polite if I go straight home, especially when auntie really expects me to stay tonight. Yeah... aunty told me to stay because I said that Shuxin would stay at her friend's house for a sleepover. I also don't dare to be close to Kun because I'm scared that he will be disturbed, as far as I know, Kun doesn't really like to be disturbed and because I've always been in the same school as him it seems to be true. He really doesn't like it when other people bother him.

"What happened to your leg?" I turned in the direction where the voice came from. Of course, Kun asked that because there was no one else other than the two of us.

"Hah?" that's all that managed to come out of my mouth. I don't know what made him suddenly ask.

"Your leg, you sprained it? The way you walked was strange just now." He said again and now he was looking at me.

"Oh, I sprained it because I was in a rush earlier. Not a big deal." I answered. I can't believe he so inspects even when I've tried so hard to act normal.

"Did you treat it?" Kun asked again.

"Not yet, I'll treat it later," I answered.


I stand up and go to the place where mom used to put all the medicine. Because I'm on the basketball team, I commonly get sprains often and don't ever take it lightly, you have to treat it immediately before it gets swollen and gets worse.

"Come here," I said after I got the medicine I usually take when I get injured. Yuxin still hasn't moved from her spot and looks at me with a surprised look.

"Come here, I don't eat people, I just want to treat your sprain. Don't be so surprised." I said finally. I don't know what made her so scared of me even though she looked so tough when dealing with the bullies on campus.

She finally moved towards me. I patted the empty space next to me gesturing for her to sit there and she seemed to understand what I meant. After she sat down I lifted her injured leg up to my thigh and started spraying medicine on the injured area.

"Finished," I said after I finished spraying the medicine on her leg.

"Thank you, Kun," Yuxin said and she immediately sat a bit away from me.

"Uhm," I answered.

"Why do you always avoid me?" I said after a few minutes of silence.

"It's okay, I just thought you don't like being around people. Apart from being with your basketball team, you never interacted with the others. In the organization, you also only ask for assignments and after that, I noticed you don't really like being approached." She answers. Trust me, that's the longest sentence she's ever said to me.

"Wow, you pay so much attention to me, huh," I said mockingly.

"No, I'm watching everyone, you just don't know." She answered coldly. Woah, looks like she doesn't know what it's called joking or my joke doesn't sound like a joke?

"I just don't like those who intrude too much on my privacy and you seem to have noticed that I don't really like to talk. There's nothing strange about that. But the way you avoid me is already like I'm a virus that will endanger your life if you get too close." I said.

"I never thought that way but if it made you uncomfortable I'm sorry. I won't avoid you too much." She said in a voice that was starting to look panicked.

"Well, it's up to you. I'm no comment about it, I just don't want to always be in an awkward atmosphere when we're together." I said and end the conversation there.


Hello, I'm back with another chapter... thanks to you all who are supporting this story...

Reminder, this story is made based on the writer's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual person. Let's support these two amazing people with love because they deserve the love...

For those of you who are fans of the antagonists in this story, please don't be angry because I made their characters according to the needs of the story and didn't mean to offend. They all are really good people in real life...

See you guys next week? Bye....

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