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The sun has risen and that means the awaited day has arrived. The day where new students will start their first day at a fairly well-known university in this city, Youth University. The university is known for its ability in the arts field and has produced many high-quality artists from there.

Currently, two girls were preparing for their first day of entering campus, they are Yu Shuxin and Liu Yuxin, the twins which have very different appearances. Their parents don't really matter about this or rather they don't care about this because they are too busy with their work.

"Xin, Xun, you guys will go with our neighbor to campus today. Mom and Dad have a business to do so we can't accompany you two." Their mother said.

"Okay." Answer both of them.

"Mei, I'll be picked up by my friends. You can go ahead if you want." Said Shuxin who is the older twin. Shuxin did have a lot of friends because she could talk to any kind of people with her bubbly personality.

"Ok, Jie..." Replied Yuxin who was used to it. She has often left at home alone, so when she had free time, her neighbor's mother would take Yuxin to her house to accompany her, because Kun, her son often went out for school activities.


Yuxin is ready with all the equipment she will bring to campus, she is now walking towards her neighbor's house which is in front of her house.

"Good morning aunty..." Yuxin said in a very small voice because she saw Kun enjoying his breakfast while his mother was busy in the kitchen. Although Yuxin often comes here, she rarely sees Kun because he is often not at home.

"Hello, Kun..." Yuxin greeted as she lowered her head.

"Hm," Kun only cleared his throat in response.


I'm so nervous right now... This is my first time standing this close to Kun. He was enjoying his breakfast while playing on his phone and I stood in front of the dining table waiting for aunty to come over to me because I didn't dare to sit down.

"EH, Xunxun is here... have a seat, honey, let's have breakfast before leaving," Aunty said when emerged from the kitchen carrying two glasses of milk.

"Don't worry, Aunty I have already eaten bread before coming here," I replied. I just too shy to eat in front of Kun, especially because he already finished his breakfast.

"Then just drink the milk, you probably not full just by eating bread." I accepted the milk because I didn't feel good about refusing aunty good intentions.


Now I'm in the car with Kun. After Kun finished his breakfast, aunty told me to come with him to campus, even though when I was in high school it was aunt who always took me when my parents didn't have time. I was very surprised because it would be very awkward to be alone with Kun in the car, and sure enough... until now neither of us had started a conversation.

Our journey to campus was full of silence. Neither of us is a talkative person, so if no one talks, we're basically fine but I still feel so awkward. We are already in the campus parking lot which is located in the basement, our campus does have good facilities.

"Thank you, Kun," I said after that walking towards the lift to enter my first class today.

I entered music class, the major I chose because I wanted to start my career in music. I chose to sit in the back so I won't attract the attention of the people around me.



I entered the classroom and saw Yuxin sitting in the very back row. I don't know if this kid is majoring in music, I've never seen her do anything related to music, or rather I've never paid attention to her.

The teacher came in and as usual the absences started, I saw a lot of people looking at me when my name was called but I didn't pay attention to their stares. I think most of them were just simply fascinated by my good looks which had been the case since I was in eighth grade.

Classes went smoothly and many of my classmates offered clubs that are available on campus. I actually already know which club I want to join, basketball will always be my choice because it is my hobby and this sport is also healthy.

After I finished filling out the form for the basketball club, I headed to the cafeteria to approach Cheng Cheng because I had promised him. Cheng Cheng and I have been friends since high school, he was often on the same basketball team as me, so we became friends and it was easy for people to be friends with him. When he found out that we would be on the same campus he asked me to meet at the cafeteria and I said yes because I didn't think there was anything strange about that.

"Hey bro" I greeted when I saw Cheng Cheng at the corner of the cafeteria table with several other basketball students.

"Hey! I already Introduce him to you guys, he's Cai Xukun, he's also a student from the basketball club." Cheng Cheng said introducing me to the seniors in the basketball club.

"Nice to meet you, Kun." All of them said

"Nice to meet you guys too," I answered as formalities.


I saw Yuxin walking alone and enjoying her meal alone. Doesn't she have friends that can accompany her rather than eat alone?

I saw several girls walking towards her, I thought they were Yuxin's friends but after a while, it seemed the situation was not the same as I imagined. They suddenly laughed at Yuxin and Yuxin's face didn't seem very good...

I wanted to approach her afraid that something might happen to my neighbor but the seniors from the basketball club stopped me.

"Don't go there, it looks like that girl is the girl we talked about earlier. She chose to enter a street dance club where women rarely want to go there. They are influential people on this campus, it looks like that girl will be the prey for a while." Said one of the people sitting with me.

"Who are they?" I asked curiously.

"They are Shaking, Anqi, and Kiki. They often bully students who they find annoying." He answers.

I was wondering, then if they know someone is being bullied, why they just stare at it, doesn't anyone want to help this poor girl?

I didn't listen to their words and walked towards where Yuxin is but before I arrived Yuxin was already soaked with cold water that the girls were holding earlier.


Hello everyone I'm back with a new story.... I hope this story can satisfy all of you who are reading.

Reminder, this story is made based on the writer's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual person. Let's support these two amazing people with love because they deserve the love...

For those of you who are fans of the antagonists in this story, please don't be angry because I made their characters according to the needs of the story and didn't mean to offend. They all are really good people in real life...

See you guys next week? Bye....

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