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I woke up in the middle of the night because my stomach kept begging to be filled. I got out of the room and carefully descended the stairs so no one would wake up. When I was on the last stairs I saw the kitchen light was on, did mom forget to turn off the light?

I didn't pay much attention to it and walked towards the kitchen, I was shocked when I saw Yuxin in front of the stove wearing only a bathrobe. How could she walk around in those clothes? Has she forgotten me who is a man in this house?

"Kun? What are you doing in the kitchen in the middle of the night? Are you hungry too?" Yuxin asked but I was still busy with my own imagination.

"Kun? Kun?" Yuxin asked coming closer and I flinched as soon as her hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Ah? Huh? Em... no, I... just... nothing happens, enjoy your meal!" I immediately ran up the stairs after finishing my words which I believed were very unclear.

"Cai Xukun, what are you thinking huh? How can you imagine such a thing?!?" I tried to calm my heart which was beating very fast like I'm just running a marathon. After my mind calmed down my stomach rumbled again, it seemed like it had to be filled otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep because of hunger.

I mustered up the courage to go downstairs after thinking about things I shouldn't have thought about Yuxin, I was so ashamed of my thoughts that I could think like that. I went downstairs and found Yuxin at the dining table enjoying her instant noodles.

"Oh, hello Kun, you're down again? Is there something you're looking for?" She asked. Oh my god, I can't even look at her normally anymore.

"I can't sleep because I'm hungry, I'll go up after filling my stomach," I said.

"This is your house, what's the rush? Are you avoiding me? Weren't you the one who asked me not to avoid you?" Gosh, I really don't want us to be awkward but I don't know why I'm acting weird tonight.

"No, I just don't feel good because you're only wearing a bathrobe, I think it's impolite to see you dressed like that." I can finally speak normally, it seems I really have to say it.

"Oh, are you uncomfortable? I always wear this at home, these are my pajamas, not bathrobe..." She explained and I couldn't help but hear it and dumfounded, who made a bathrobe as a pajama. What if she stays somewhere else and something like this happens again? There aren't many good guys like me... oops, I'm bragging again.

"Next time don't wear your pajamas when you stay at someone else's house, understand? Maybe someone could be uncomfortable or do something scary to you." I advised her. She is not a weak girl but she is an innocent girl, maybe she will be used by people because of her trusting nature.

"Okay, you want to eat this? I made a bit more just now because I thought you wanted to eat too." Invite her.

"Alright, I'm too hungry to wait to cook a new one anyway," I said yes to her invitation.

Yuxin and I ate quietly, we weren't used to talking while eating which was a good habit. We cleaned our cutlery and went back to our room afterward because we had class tomorrow.

I find it very strange, my class and Yuxin are always at the same time so mom will definitely ask me to drop her off because of that. Well, I don't mind because it doesn't interfere with my activities either. I just need to drop her off and she'll be home alone because I'm definitely training together at my basketball club.



I went downstairs after I finished packing my things. "Morning aunty." I greeted when I saw aunty is already at the dining table waiting for the others to have breakfast together.

"You have morning class Yuxin?" Auntie asked as soon as I sat in front of her.

"Yes aunty, I took a class this morning," I answered.

"Kun also has a class in the morning, you can go together, wait for Kun to come down and you guys can go," Auntie said

"Okay," I answered. For those of you who asked about Shuxin, she always took afternoon classes because she said she was lazy to get up early.

I drink the milk that is available there and took some small cookies that aunty baked yesterday. I don't know that cookies for breakfast don't seem like a bad thing...

Kun finally came down after I finished with my cookies. "Morning mom." He greeted when seeing aunty. "Morning Yuxin." He greeted again after sitting next to aunty.

"Morning Kun," I reply


We arrived at the campus and I immediately headed to class after thanking Kun for dropping me off. It seems that because I got out of Kun's car a lot of people started whispering. I really don't understand, are they don't have anything else to do but gossip about unimportant things.

I went to class and I went to the chair in the middle and sat there waiting for the professor who was teaching to come. I finished class calmly because the professor gave us the task of composing a song for this month and we would perform at the school's monthly festival.

I headed to the cafeteria to fill my stomach before joining the dance club I wanted to go to yesterday but didn't have time because Shuxin told me to go home.

I queued waiting for my turn to order food, when I finished I went to a table that was not occupied by anyone.

When I sat down, the three people who threw me water yesterday were standing next to me, another drama will happen I guess...

I'm just going silent because it's not my style to make a fuss in public. They've already uttered the hurtful words they said yesterday, if they keep saying the same thing over and over again I think I'll be able to memorize what they said by this week.

"What are you doing?" I heard someone talking to the three people who are making a fuss in the canteen, I didn't care about them all this time I just continued to enjoy my food because after this I have to practice at the club.

"What business do you have with us? It's up to us what we want to do." Shaking said who is the leader of the gang.

"Putting people down is not something you can do 'up to you'. Who are you to say such a thing, aren't women supposed to help other women out? What you are doing is not helping but demeaning your fellow girl. I just can't see the injustice here. If you're bothered you can find me in the sports department of fencing. I'm always there for training." I stopped my meal to look at the person in front of me. Wow, this person is so cool...


Hello, I'm back with another chapter... thanks to you all who are supporting this story...

Reminder, this story is made based on the writer's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual person. Let's support these two amazing people with love because they deserve the love...

For those of you who are fans of the antagonists in this story, please don't be angry because I made their characters according to the needs of the story and didn't mean to offend. They all are really good people in real life...

Also, I would like to wish our man's main lead, Cai Xukun a HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY!!! Hope all of his wishes could be granted and God always blesses you...

See you guys next week? Bye....

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