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The sun had set, signaling that night had come. I should be going home now but I'm not willing to leave Jinlan, the name we gave to the baby a few hours ago after aunty came home.

I see aunty who is busy unpacking the package she ordered expressly because Jinlan is going to use it tonight. After seeing Jinlan sleeping on his new bed I saw Kun who was still asleep, I don't know what made him tired like this. I smile as I remember what happened this afternoon...



As usual, I practiced in the practice room, and after class, Jackson asked me for advice. He likes a girl who happens to be in the same music major as me but because I didn't know what advice to give so I just cheered him on and now he turned to ask about the person I like. Maybe many people don't know that I have feelings for Kun, his recent behavior has made me think a lot and I can't deny that I have feelings for him.

"Looks like you have Xin. You don't need to be ashamed, I even said who's my crush to you." He said. We did become close after a few conversations and Jackson does have a cheerful character which makes it even easier to become friends with him. We also have the same artistic taste and I felt comfortable chatting with him. But I've never told anyone about this kind of problem and it's also the first time I've felt this way.

"Ah... is the person you like is Kun? I see you guys are often seen together." I widen my eyes. Is he a mind reader? How could he know exactly?

"From your reaction, it seems that Kun is indeed the one," Jackson said with a face that looks annoying.

I am surprised because Jackson suddenly put his arm around my shoulder. "What is it?" I asked because I was confused by his behavior.

"The person you like is at the door." He said. I wanted to turn around to see Kun but he held me back.

"What are you doing, he could misunderstand," I said frantically as he came closer to me again.

"My goal was to make him misunderstand that way you can tell if he likes you," Jackson explained. I'm sure this is not the only way to do it then why should I do it? Well, I have to accompany this friend of mine to act because he will sulk if his wish is not fulfilled. As adults, we should make kids happy, shouldn't we?

I stole a glance at the mirror in the classroom, I could see Kun standing in front of the door and looking around, he seemed to be looking for someone. Then I saw his eyes stop right where we were standing. Is he looking for me? I hope he doesn't see me, I don't want to be in this awkward position.

"Yuxin!" I heard Kun calling my name. I turned to look at him but Jackson held me back. I feel bad for Kun especially when he calls me.

"Come on Jack, I don't want him to be mad," I said and immediately broke away from Jackson. I walked towards Kun and he didn't want to pay attention to me. And you guys know what's happening.




I woke up after sleeping for a long time. I saw Yuxin playing with her phone when I opened my eyes, I frowned... was I dreaming?

"Are you awake, Kun?" Yuxin asked as soon as I moved to get up.

"Uhh," I replied. I'm really confused by what happened, did I sleep on her lap? When? Why? And many more questions that haunt me.

"Are your legs sore?" I asked as soon as I came to my senses. She must be tired waiting for me to sleep moreover I sleep on her lap, of course, she doesn't want me to wake up.

"It's okay, you must be so tired that you fell asleep so fast. If you're awake, I'll be going home now." She said

"Emmm, thanks for letting me sleep," I answered with a smile. She is indeed the Liu Yuxin I know, she will try to make everyone comfortable around her but of course, I wish I was the only one that became that special person.

Yuxin had already taken her things and was getting ready to go home, but as soon as I was about to open the door Jinlan was crying really hard. I rushed to mom's room because Jinlan was going to sleep with mom tonight.

"What's wrong mom?" I asked when I entered mom's room and of course, Yuxin also came in.

"It's okay, it's normal for babies to cry, this is normal." Mom said

I just nodded and wanted to walk out to escort Yuxin to the front of her house but Yuxin held me back and wanted to wait until Jinlan fell asleep first. Since I knew that Yuxin was already very fond of Jinlan, I let her wait. I leaned against the door while looking at mom who was trying to calm Jinlan down.

We've been in this place for quite a while but Jinlan still doesn't intend to stop his crying, mom also looks tired. I wanted to help her but I didn't dare to hold the baby because I felt it was dangerous.

"Aunty I want to carry him, you can take a shower first before it gets late." I looked at Yuxin who wanted to calm Jinlan down.

Mom gave Jinlan to Yuxin and headed for the bathroom. As soon as Jinlan was in Yuxin's arms, he immediately fell silent and stopped crying.

"You really have decided on your mother, you don't even want to be carried by grandma anymore." Mom said who stopped in front of the door when she heard Jinlan stop crying. I couldn't help but laugh at that, mom had tried to silence him for hours but Yuxin only needed a few seconds and Jinlan had stopped crying.


Jinlan had fallen asleep and Yuxin put him on his bed, mom had also finished bathing and so am I.

"Then I'm going to go home aunty," Yuxin said as soon as Jinlan was comfortable in his sleep.

"Okay, goodnight baby." Mom said. She never even calls me baby, which isn't surprising at all.

"I'll go with her mom, you can go to sleep first," I said and was about to leave.

We just came out of the room Jinlan is crying again. It seems that he really wants to stick with Yuxin, even Yuxin is not allowed to go home by him. Is this not Yuxin's child? He seems to feel that Yuxin is his mother... even I lost to a child, really!

In the end, Yuxin didn't go home because Jinlan didn't want to be separated from Yuxin. Yuxin even slept with him until we all shook our heads. Even a small child managed to snatch Yuxin from me, it's not easy to have a crush like this. She is already an angel, everyone loves her and of course many are jealous of her and even want to bring her down but her angelic heart makes her survive and that's what I love about her...


Hello, I'm back with another chapter... the translation getting weirder these days 😅😅😅, sorry for the bad English, and hope you guys still enjoying the story.

The baby's name inspiration: 金 (jin) = gold, 蓝 (lan) = blue

You guys probably know what's the name meaning 😂. Yup, it's Kun and Xin fandom color.

Reminder, this story is made based on the writer's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual person. Let's support these two amazing people with love because they deserve the love...

See you guys next week? Bye... 

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