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Yuxin and I are in my workplace, the place where I used to do my homework and make music. This room is quite large because there are quite complete musical equipment and many other items that I use for my musical reference. I sit in front of my computer and played the song I made to Yuxin because I already promised it.

"What do you think about this song?" I asked after the song I was playing had finished.

"The song you made is good Kun, but I think the chorus can be improved again, I feel there is still something missing there. But overall your song is good, the meaning you want to convey is also conveyed and portrayed really well." Yuxin reply.

"I feel that way too that's why I'm asking you. Then, how was it? Did you get any inspiration?" I asked again. I'm looking for what is missing from my song because I really feel that there is something missing but the main purpose here is to help Yuxin who needs inspiration for the lyrics of her song.

"Yes, I was thinking about it earlier when I heard your song and maybe this song can be a form of my courage." She answer

I smiled happily because I could help her get inspiration. I watched Yuxin start working on her laptop adjusting the beat she had with the lyrics she wrote. I went out intending to get a drink but stopped when I heard the doorbell ring.


I freeze in front of the door when I looked down and there is a baby there placed in a basket. 'What is the meaning of this?' I thought

I watched the baby for a long time because I didn't know what was going on until there was a baby in front of my house. Was this baby abandoned by his parents? And many more strange ideas that I can think of when I see this baby. I decided to take him into the house because it's a pity that the baby must have been cold out here.

I put the baby in the living room and immediately went to my workplace looking for Yuxin. I am too panicked that I didn't know what to do, plus mom isn't home, which made me even more panicked.

"Yuxin!" I call when I've entered the room we discuss the song earlier.

"Yes, Kun? What is it? You look panicked." She said

"There's a baby in front of the house," I said

"What? Whose baby?" Ask Yuxin

"I do not know. There's only a baby there and I haven't seen it because I'm too panicked." I answer



I sit on the sofa holding the baby that Kun found in front of the house earlier. After calling aunty she said she will talk about it later after she comes home so now it's both of our duty to take care of this baby.

Luckily I already finished half part of my song so now I can play with this cute little baby. I'm now confused to find milk because the baby is crying and I'm confused because at home there is the only milk that we usually drink and I think the baby can't drink it.

"Kun, can the baby drink the milk in the fridge?" I asked Kun, even though he also didn't seem to understand but I tried to ask.

"I do not know.... Do I need to buy milk at the shop?" He asked

"Seems like it should. Where do you intend to buy?" seems like that's the only way we can do it.

"Nearby there is a small shop, I can look for it there later. If it's not there I'll look in another shop." Kun answer.



I arrived at the nearest store and immediately went to where the formula milk is. I took a rather large box because maybe the baby will be at home for a long amount of time and a bottle of milk because it looks like there is no milk bottle in the basket.

I queued at the cashier waiting for my turn to pay for my stuff. "Wow, it doesn't look like you're already married." Said the aunt who is at the cashier.

"Ha? It's not for my kid, it's..." I stopped there, there's no way I could say I found a child. I didn't mean to hurt the aunt's heart either.

"May your family always be happy and your child can grow up well." Auntie's message. Well, a good lie seems okay once in a while. Besides I probably won't be seeing this aunty again so why am I so worried.

"Thank you, aunty, you too," I answered and rushed home because the baby must have been very hungry.



I came home and saw Yuxin holding the baby while holding the milk bottle while I didn't see Kun at all, where is this child.

I walked closer to Yuxin and found that Kun was sleeping on Yuxin's thigh. Scenes like this are somehow so beautiful, I want the two of them to get married and have children together. Gosh, just thinking about it makes me very happy, I'm only happy if Yuxin becomes my daughter-in-law because I already know how she is and I'm sure she will be able to take good care of Kun and their children later. I've even thought about the name of their child later, it seems I planned too early.

"Yuxin, have you eaten kid?" I asked and Yuxin immediately looked back because I was standing behind the sofa.

"Not yet, aunty, I will look for food later." She answered and tried to stand up and I immediately stopped her.

"Sit down, Kun is still sleeping on your thigh and your baby will definitely wake up if you wake up," I answer

"Aunty, this is the baby I talked about this afternoon, not mine..." Yuxin said and I immediately realized, I almost forgot that they called me this afternoon. I should have shouted if I found a baby at home, it seemed I am too calm....


Hello, I'm back with another chapter... thanks to you all who are reading and supporting this random story...

Reminder, this story is made based on the writer's imagination and has nothing to do with the actual person. Let's support these two amazing people with love because they deserve the love...

See you guys next week? Bye... 

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