06: fried Sarah ✩

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"No one will hear it from me."


"Later," John B called back as he left the Cameron's boat after having a little conversation with the oldest Cameron daughter. Little did they know Sarah's little sister Wheezie was sitting on the stairs listening to the whole conversation. As John B walked out he crashed into yet another kook princess. "Oh hey," he said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Two days in a row, you going for a record or something?" Emerson commented, a small smile present on her face.

"I uh, I just needed to return the scuba," He shrugged and Emerson laughed quietly.

"Right, the scuba tanks," She nodded. "Why'd you need that stuff anyway?" she asked.

"Uh..." John B paused trying to think of a solid answer to give the kook but didn't come up with anything, "well if I told you I think I'd have to kill you," he laughed trying to make a joke, clearly she didn't find it very funny.

She raised her eyebrows at him with a smile still present on her face, "You pogues are full of surprises aren't you? Guns, theft, what's next, a full blown police investigation?"

John B sighed to himself, knowing he'd probably regret the words that were about to leave his mouth. "So listen about JJ," he started the smile on Emerson's face falling almost instantly, "I heard a little bit of what you said yesterday."

"Yeah, I figured," Emerson nodded as she began lightly kicking the floor beneath her foot.

"I don't know, well actually I do know everything that happened," John B accidentally admitted, causing the look on Emerson's face to go from nervous to borderline terrified. "I'm guessing from the look on your face that it really did happen," John B predicted.

"Hardly anything happened," Emerson told him. "I was drunk, I barely remember it."

"Right, of course," John B nodded. He suddenly wished he knew Emerson well enough to tell if she was lying or not. "But anyway JJ, he's-"

"An ass?" Emerson finished for him.

"Yeah he is, but he also cares, a lot," John B said, trying to help out his best friend. "And even though you two seem to be in a fighting match right now I know that there is a part of him, granted a very small part, that actually does like you," John B shrugged as he finished talking.

"Why would I care if he likes me? It's not like I care what he thinks," Emerson asked, making John B blink in confusion. Little did he know that the day before when she was presented with two options she went with the easier one.

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