14: grand entrance ✩

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"Do this for the family

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"Do this for the family."


Every summer the kooks held their annual Midsummer party. It was the party of the summer and the kooks always went all out for it, including the Rhodes family. During a normal year Emerson would be so excited for the party that she'd be ready hours before they needed to leave the house, but this year was different.

Now Midsummers wasn't just a fun party for the kooks to attend, at least not for Emerson. Now the party was an introduction to what the rest of her life would look like. She'd show up with the guy she'll one day be married to and attend a party that she'll be running one day. This was the start of the rest of her life. But she couldn't find any excitement in going.

Yes she had a date but now she was questioning if she actually liked him. And yes she had a dress but it didn't make her feel like a princess anymore. And yes she knew how her life would turn out but now she wondered if that's what she actually wanted..

"Emerson," her mother's voice called out from the hallway. 

The Rhodes girl hadn't been able to look her mother in the eye after seeing those pictures in Carter's office. She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to believe it. Yet somehow all the signs were pointing to the fact that Addison Rhodes was having an affair. 

"Emerson," when Addison finally opened the down she was horrified when finding her daughter laying on the ground in sweatpants only hours away from the biggest party of the year. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I don't want to go."

"Does it look like I care," Addison said as she lightly kicked Emerson's side forcing the girl to sit up. "Today isn't about you. So get through that shower and your ass downstairs with a smile on your face."

"Seriously mom, why are we even going to this stupid party?" Emerson asked. "You know the pogues don't have any electricity and we're out here throwing parties."

"Since when do you care about the pogues?" Addison asked her daughter.

"I... I don't care about them. I'm just saying it doesn't feel right," Emerson clarified.

"You have been acting awfully strange recently."

"And you haven't?" Emerson asked, referring to her mother's affair.

Addison gave her a pointed look. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Emerson reminded her. "Me and Rafe can't protect you from this Mom. Someone will find out."

"You're being ridiculous Emerson," Addison told her with a condescending smile, "And I don't know where all this nonsense is coming from but it has to come to a stop. You are a Rhodes, you need to start acting like it."

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