29: runaway kook ☆

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"As long as I don't have to be with you."


Emerson felt weird when she woke up in her bed the next morning. She felt like the room wasn't hers, she felt like it was all just a cover for the trapped girl it was hiding. The Rhodes girl glanced over at her clock, realizing that Pope's interview was about to start. She knew she had to get back to the pogues before his meeting finished, if she didn't she'd have to face an angry JJ and she was not looking forward to that.

The sun lit up her room as she stepped out of her bed. The young kook felt disgusting since she hadn't showered in two days, and a lot has happened in those two days. Emerson jumped into her shower, a sigh of relief falling from her lips as the warm water began cascading down her skin. She'd never appreciated a warm show as much as she did at this moment.

She made sure to finish up quickly, not allowing herself to take a twenty minute shower like she usually did. Once she was done she stood in her closet, looking at all of her clothes that were hanging neatly from their designated spots. Never before did Emerson realize that she really was a kook princess, her clothes were a dead giveaway. Her clothes made sure that nobody could question if the girl was actually a kook.

Emerson knew that she couldn't walk around purposely trying to look like a kook princess. She wanted her kook days to be over, and wearing something that wasn't color coordinated was her first step. She grabbed a pair of blue sweat shorts, that she normally only wore to lounge around the house, and white tank top. She very quickly slipped into her outfit, glancing at the clock every couple of seconds.

While she was getting ready all she could think about was Ward Cameron. She's known him her entire life, the man was supposed to be her damn father-in-law. Emerson wondered how involved Carter was, she suddenly wondered if her father was a killer too. Carter is a lawyer, maybe he's just trying to be a good friend by helping Ward.

No. No, the man Emerson knew as her father didn't tolerate violence, especially not murder. Emerson needed answers. But her father was gone and all his belongings left more questions than answers.

"Emerson," Addison called out from the hallway making Emerson curse under her breath. She had intended on making a quick exit, one where her mother wouldn't realize she was gone until after she left the house. "Emerson," Addison repeated as she walked into her daughter's room. "Ah there you are."

"Here I am," Emerson said, faking enthusiasm.

"Are you going somewhere?" Addison asked when Emerson moved past her mom to get to her white converse.

"Yeah, actually I am," Emerson replied as she sat down on her bed so she could put her shoes on.

"And may I ask where you're going?" Addison requested as she looked down at her only daughter.

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