09: anytime princess ✩

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"Screw what they think"


The sounds of laughter and music filled the pogue's van as JJ drove Kiara back to Figure Eight after a day of adventure. They had just been treated to free food at The Wreck, the restaurant Kiara's family owned and JJ promised Kiara's dad that he'd bring her home safely while he finished closing up.

"Looks like the kooks are partying it up," JJ commented as they drove past Topper's house.

"Of course they are," Kiara scoffed. "The kooks are partying while the rest of us are still recovering from a hurricane."

"Holy shit is that..." JJ slowed down the car when he noticed a certain brunette stumbling her way down the street.

"Emerson Rhodes," Kiara rolled her eyes as JJ put the van in park. "Just ignore her," Kiara told him.

JJ raised his eyebrows as he watched Emerson, clearly in distress, as she walked down the road with a half empty bottle in her hand. "But Kie-"

"She'll be fine," Kiara stated as she got out of the van. "I'll see you in the morning J," she said, then closed the door and walked up to her house.

JJ sat quietly for a moment, watching Emerson. It was clear she had no idea where she was going and would not be able to make it home safely without some kind of intervention. He knew that she wanted nothing to do with him but at this moment he couldn't care less. JJ hopped out of the van then ran across the street closer to where Emerson was.

"Emerson," He called out, maintaining a safe distance between them. The brunette turned around at the sound of her name, quickly wiping her eyes before the pogue got any closer to her. "You okay?" he asked, as he took a couple steps closer.

"Never better," she exclaimed, her words clearly slurred as she lifted up her bottle of vodka. When JJ got closer he could see the tear stains that were left behind on Emerson's cheeks and for a moment he felt bad for the girl. "Never ever been better..." she repeated, this time sounding less sure.

"You need a ride home?" JJ asked her, walking a little bit closer to her.

"No, no... I'm just walking," Emerson lifted the bottle, taking another drink from it, shaking her head at herself. "Walking home... yeah I need to go home."

JJ glanced back at the parked van then looked back at Emerson. "Okay," he said, then came to stand beside her, "then I'm walking with you."

"No. No, I can make it," Emerson groaned then sat down on the curb. "Maybe not." JJ then followed her actions and sat down beside her. He looked over at her, quickly realizing that she had already been looking at him. "What are you even doing here?" 

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