17: start of time ✩

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"You're like a Rubik's cube Emerson Rhodes."


[TW: Mentions of intercourse but no smut]

"You really didn't have to bring me home," Emerson said as she closed her front door. "I know you probably wanna be with Pope and... and Kiara."

When the ambulance had come to pick up John B, Sarah had gone with him to make sure he was okay. The pogues were all in distress that night from seeing their best friend laying, injured and unconscious on the ground. They felt weak knowing there was nothing they could do to help him, it was a feeling they absolutely hated.

Emerson knew she wasn't the person to help them. Especially with Kiara shooting daggers at her every time she tried to do something to help. For once Emerson didn't fight Kiara, knowing that part of the reason she was lashing out was because she was afraid. Even though Kiara was mainly bad because Emerson had somehow made JJ fall for her, of course Emerson didn't realize that yet.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay," JJ shrugged as he followed Emerson into her house.

"I should be saying that to you," Emerson pointed out but JJ just shook his head at her. "After everything that happened today, it should be me asking you."

"You went through a lot today too," JJ reminded her.

The truth was he didn't want her to see how scared he was, but that feeling in his gut just wouldn't disappear. JJ didn't scare often but when he saw John B getting taken away in an ambulance that was one of the scariest moments in his life.

JJ knew he probably should've gone back with the pogues, especially when he saw the way Pope and Kiara had been looking at him and Emerson. He figured they wanted an explanation, especially after he assured them she meant nothing to him. But when it came down to it he wanted to be with her, he wanted someone to hold him the way she did when he was at his weakest.

Emerson flicked on a light making it easier to see into the house. JJ's eyes widened as he looked around the large room. Sure he had been in her house before but it was too dark for him to actually see anything. And when he was there that morning he was too focused on the treasure hunt to actually appreciate the architecture of the house.

"Nice place," JJ complimented as he looked around. He had never really been inside a house this nice before. He was always working around them but never actually got the chance to see the inside.

Emerson glanced around her house, she knew it was nice but it was far from homey. JJ leaned against the nearest wall, his eyes glued to kook in front of him. She didn't say anything for a moment, she just looked around the house thinking about the family that lived inside it.

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