10: free beer ✩

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"My heart doesn't know what it wants"

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"My heart doesn't know what it wants"


Rafe and Emerson walked hand in hand onto the golf course where Topper was happily waiting for the new couple. He of course knew why Rafe had gone to the Rhodes' house that morning and he knew what the outcome would be. So when he saw two of his closest friends walking hand in hand he was glad that something was able to go right.

"There they are," Topper shouted at the two kooks, "the new couple." Emerson laughed as Rafe twirled her around, showing her off. 

"I have to go grab my clubs, I'll be right back," Rafe said as he let go of Emerson's hand.

"Okay," She smiled just as he walked away.

"So?" Topper asked as he walked up to the brunette. "How was it?"

"Well my parents are happy," Emerson laughed, "and so am I," she added.

"Good, I'm glad," Topper nodded as he lined himself up to hit the first ball. "Everyone's been waiting for this."

"Trust me, I know," Emerson said with a smile. "I just... I can't believe it's actually happening, you know? This moment, me and Rafe, my parents have wanted this forever and now it's actually happening. I didn't know if it would ever happen, you know since I was with..."

Topper nodded understandingly, knowing whose name she was about to say. He looked down, not really wanting to talk about it either.  "You and Rafe will be great at Midsummers. Everyone will be talking about you."

"Do you ever find that weird?" Emerson asked, the question coming out before she could stop it. "The fact that everyone seems to know our business, and actually wants to hear about it."

"We're like the celebrities of OBX," Topper laughed, realizing what Emerson said was true.

"Right, celebrities," she nodded.

"Hey where'd you go last night? I just kind of assumed you'd stay over since you were pretty wasted."

Emerson stood quietly for a moment and that's when it hit her. JJ was the one who brought her home. He was the one who tucked her into bed. He was the one who held her hair back when she threw up. "I uh... I must've walked," She laughed quietly. As the realization sunk in she couldn't stop thinking about JJ.

"Oh," It was clear that Topper didn't believe her, but he didn't get a chance to question her further since Rafe arrived with two golf clubs in hand. One for him and one for Emerson. "Man that party was insane," Topper said as the three kooks began to walk through the golf course. "I mean, my first thought when we did the line was... bro do we have enough? It was crazy," He laughed.

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