Chapter 3

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June 1981

     Narcissa is browsing in Twilfitt and Tattings when a man spots her. "Narcissa? Narcissa Black?"

     Narcissa looks up as he approaches. "Do I know you?" Narcissa asks.

     "Azure Tripe. We went to school together."

     "Ah now I remember. How are you? I remember you left the country after graduation."

     "I did. I just got back last week. What are you up to now a days?"

     "Well-" Narcissa starts before she smiles. "Lucius you know I can tell when you are staring at me."


     Lucius steps out from behind a rack holding Ursa's hand. "Mama!" Ursa says.

     "I do not know how you do that." Lucius says as he walks over. He looks at Azure. "And it is Malfoy now."

     "Well it does not help that a little someone stomps when she walks." Narcissa replies. "I guess this answers your question as to what I have been up to." Ursa pulls on the bottom of Narcissa's dress and holds her arms up. Narcissa looks down at her. "Use your words."

     "Up please." Ursa says. Narcissa leans over and picks Ursa up.

     "Who is this?" Lucius asks.

     "Azure Tripe. I was in Narcissa's year." Azure says.

     "Yes, I believe I remember you asking her out multiple times."

     "Good to see you two stayed together."

     Ursa plays with Narcissa's hair. "We did."

     Azure looks at Ursa. "A daughter. That must have been disappointing."

     Narcissa puts her open hand on Lucius's shoulder to calm his sudden rage. "I will have you know I am quite proud to have a daughter." Lucius says. "And not that it is any of your business, we have a son at home. Even if we did not, I would be happy with her." Lucius turns his head to Narcissa. "Are you almost ready to go?"

     "Yes I just-" Narcissa is interrupted by a pop.

     "Master." Dobby says. "Miss Bella needs help with Mr Draco."

     Narcissa sighs. "I thought we would not be gone long enough for her to need help." Narcissa says.

     "I will go take care of it." Lucius says.

     "Alright. See you in a bit." Lucius kisses Narcissa and Ursa's cheeks before disapparating with Dobby.

     When Narcissa leaves the shop five minutes later, she is stopped from going far by someone grabbing her wrist. She turns around to see Azure. "I wanted to talk to you."

     "I need to be going home. It is almost nap time." Narcissa says before trying to take her wrist back. He tightens his grip.

     "Don't want to make a scene do we?"

     "Let go of me. Now." He pulls Narcissa closer to him. Ursa tries to hit him.

The Jade Malfoy: PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now