Chapter 5

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December 1982
     Narcissa walks into Ursa's room to see three-year-old Ursa and Dobby playing with her dolls. "I hope Lucius has Draco." Narcissa says threateningly.

     "He does Mistress." Dobby says.

     "Good." Narcissa looks at Ursa and her attitude changes. "What are you doing Little Cub?"

     Ursa points to her fairy doll that is in the air. "The fairy can fly!" Ursa says.

     "Dobby are you making her toys fly?"Narcissa asks.

     "No. Dobby didn't even see it was flying." Dobby replies.

     "I did it Mummy!" Ursa says before Draco runs into the room. He jumps on Ursa and the doll falls. "Dray! You made me drop my doll!"

     "Where is your father Draco?" Narcissa asks.

     "Dunno." Draco replies.

     "Right here." Lucius says as he walks up behind Narcissa. "Draco what did I say?"

     "Don't run. Sorry Daddy."

     "Ursa, could you do that again?" Narcissa asks. "With your doll?"

     "Mhm." Ursa says. "Dray you have to get off me."

     "Okay." Draco says before getting off of Ursa and sitting next to her. Ursa grabs the doll and puts it in front of her. She squeezes her eyes closed and the doll shakes. Lucius and Narcissa look on in shock and fear as the doll slowly lifts into the air. Ursa opens her eyes and smiles. "See. It can fly!"

     "Cissa..." Lucius says.

     "I know." Narcissa replies. "She should not... We need to go see Severus."


     "Severus." Narcissa says as Snape opens the door.

     "Narcissa, this is unexpected." Snape says.

     "Uncle Severus!" Ursa says.

     "Ursa!" Snape smiles softly. "Come in." Narcissa and Ursa walk inside and Snape closes the door. They go into the living room. "Would you like something to drink? I believe I have-"

Narcissa interrupts Snape. "This is not a social call, Severus. Show him what you showed Daddy and me."

     Ursa sits crisscross on the floor and sets her doll in front of her. She squeezes her eyes shut and it doesn't take long for her doll to start levitating. She opens her eyes and smiles. "I can make my doll fly."

     "Severus the last person known to be able to do this young..." Narcissa says.

     "The Dark Lord." Severus confirms and tears fill Narcissa's eyes.

     "She can't be like him."

     "The magic is the same but their situations are not. She has a loving family and she's not using it to hurt others."

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