Chapter 4

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September 9th, 1981 - Ursa's 2nd birthday

"Happy birthday Little Bear!" Bellatrix says as she walks into Ursa's room.

"Auntie!" Ursa yells before running to Bellatrix. Ursa hugs her as tight as her little arms will let her.

"I have a present for you." Bellatrix says before pulling a stuffed bear out from behind her back.

"A bear!" Narcissa walks into the room and sees Ursa hugging the bear. "Thank you Auntie."

"Why am I not surprised you are early and already gave her your present?" Narcissa asks.

"Because you know me Cissy." Bellatrix replies.

"It's time to get dressed Little Cub." Narcissa says. "Do you want me or Auntie to help you?"

"I don't need help." Ursa replies.

"So you can tie the strings on your own?" Narcissa asks.

"Auntie help me." Ursa says and Bellatrix and Narcissa chuckle.

"So what are you going to name the bear?" Narcissa asks as she gets Ursa's dress.

"Bella!" Ursa says. "Her name's Bella cause Auntie gave her to me." Bellatrix smiles softly.


Druella and Narcissa smile as they watch Bellatrix teaching Ursa to dance by having Ursa stand on her feet. "For someone who does not want and refuses to have children of her own, she adores your children." Druella says.

"She really does, well until they start crying or need diapers changed." Narcissa replies. "Have you heard the nickname she has for Ursa?"

"Yes 'Little Bear.' Almost like your nickname for her." Druella says. "If anything happens to Bellatrix, I'm glad to know Ursa is already very protective of you." They watch as Draco toddles over to Ursa and Bellatrix.

"Hi Dray." Ursa says. "Do you want to try?" Draco nods and Ursa lets go of Bellatrix.

"Is it Little Dragon's turn?" Bellatrix asks. Bellatrix chuckles and starts dancing with Draco. Ursa walks over to Narcissa and climbs up onto the couch next to her.

"Are you giving Dray a chance Little Cub?" Narcissa asks.

"Mhm" Ursa replies. "I'm tired."

Narcissa looks at the time. "Well it is almost nap time. Do you want to go upstairs now?" Ursa nods and Narcissa stands. She helps Ursa to the ground before walking out, holding Ursa's hand.


November 1981

"It's time for bed Ursa." Narcissa says.

"But it's Auntie's night." Ursa replies.

Narcissa kneels in front of Ursa, holding back tears. "Auntie will not be coming back here."

Tears come to Ursa's eyes. "But... but why? I love her."

     "And she loves you Cub. Auntie did something very bad and was caught. She will be gone for a long time."

     "How long?"

     "I do not know yet, but I think forever."

     "No no no no. No!"

     "What do you want to wear to bed?"

     "No! No! You're not Auntie! I want Auntie! I want Auntie!" Ursa yells as she starts crying. Narcissa tries to hug Ursa but Ursa hits and fights her. "No! You're not Auntie!" Narcissa flinches as a mirror shatters.

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