Chapter 6

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Aug 1984 (both 4)

Ursa and Draco run into Narcissa and Lucius's room and climb up onto their bed. "Mum!" Ursa says.

"Mum!" Draco repeats as he jumps on the bed.

"Your children are awake." Narcissa mumbles to Lucius.

"Dad" Ursa says

"Dad!" Draco repeats.

"Before sunrise they're yours." Lucius mumbles back.

Ursa switches between the two, sometimes saying one parent for a bit then the other, and Draco just repeats after her and continues to jump.

"Mr Draco, Miss Ursa, Dobby insists you come with him." Dobby says. "And to stop running"

"Fine." Ursa says before climbing off the bed. "Come on Dray." Ursa helps Draco down and they follow Dobby out.

"Thank goodness." Narcissa mumbles. "How long do you think it will last?"

"I say half an hour at most if he can't get them back to sleep." Lucius replies.

"Let's just hope they don't manage to wake up your father."

Across the manor, Draco and Ursa are jumping on Ursa's bed. "Mr Draco, Miss Ursa!" Dobby begs. "Please stop jumping before you wake your grandfather." Ursa jumps once more before landing in a sitting position.

"No!" Draco says.

"Dray stop." Ursa says. "Please. We don't want to wake grandfather."

"No! Lalalala!"

"Draco please." Ursa begs. "Stop."

"No!" Ursa grabs Draco the next time he lands and pulls him down. "Let go! Let go. I wanna jump!"

"Draco stop." Draco starts screaming and Ursa covers his mouth. "Dobby silence him please."

"Miss Ursa knows Dobby can't do that." Dobby says.

"Dobby please I'm begging you."

Ursa's door opens and Ursa squeezes her eyes shut. "Children." Abraxas says. "What is going on here?"

"Nothing Grandfather." Ursa says.

"And just what do you think you are doing to Draco?"

"Keeping him from jumping on my bed and being loud so he wouldn't wake you."

"Let go of him now. You know better than to stop him."

"Yes sir." Ursa lets go of Draco and Draco starts jumping again.

"Take Draco to his room, elf."

"Yes sir. Come Mr Draco." Dobby says. "You can jump on your bed." They leave and Abraxas closes the door behind them. Tears of fear come to Ursa's eyes.


Narcissa gasps as she finds Ursa, curled into a ball, crying on her floor, blood running down her face. "What happened Cub?" Narcissa asks. Ursa shakes her head and then whimpers. Narcissa sits on the ground next to Ursa and pulls Ursa into her lap. "What happened Ursa?" Narcissa repeats as she draws her wand. Ursa flinches when Narcissa puts her wand to Ursa's head and tries to get away from Narcissa.

"No. No more." Ursa cries.

"Ursa stop. Calm down Cub." Ursa sobs and tries to fight Narcissa. Narcissa moves her wand and Ursa calms. Narcissa gasps as she realizes someone hurt Ursa. "D-did someone hurt you? Who hurt you Cub?"

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