Chapter 2

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AN: I had to change Draco's birthday cause his real birthday would be pretty much impossible with Ursa. Also pretend St. Mungos has a few normal hospital services.
TW: House-Elf Abuse

August 8th, 1980
     Narcissa gasps as her water breaks. She yells. "Dobby! Get Lucius now! Hurry!"

     "Yes Mistress." Dobby replies before disapparating. He apparates into the Ministry. "Master, Mistress needs you. Told Dobby to hurry."

     Lucius shoots out of his chair. "Well take me then!" Dobby carefully touches Lucius's leg and disapparates. They land in the master bedroom. "Cissa?"

     Narcissa steps out of the bathroom as she speaks. "It's time."

     "Dobby bring Bellatrix here immediately and tell Narcissa's parents and my father to meet us at St. Mungos. Do it in that order. Do not mess this up or you are dead!" Lucius says

     "Yes Master." Dobby says before disapparating.

     He lands in front of Bellatrix. "What do you want you little creature?" Bellatrix growls.

     "Master has sent Dobby to get Miss Bella." Dobby replies.

     "Narcissa!" Bellatrix shoots to her feet. "Take me now!"

     Dobby carefully touches Bellatrix and disapparates them to the master bedroom. Bellatrix kicks Dobby away from her on arrival. He disapparates again and Lucius looks up from the bag he is packing. He goes back to packing as he speaks. "Ursa is in the nursery. You know where everything is. One of your parents will come get Ursa when Narcissa can have visitors."

     "Have someone let me know when she's okay please." Bellatrix begs

     "We will" Bellatrix nods before leaving the room.


     "Lucius sit down" Abraxas says as Lucius passes him again in his pacing.

     "I cannot sit down." Lucius replies.

     Druella speaks up. "I know you are nervous Lucius, we all are."

     "I should be in there. I missed Ursa and now I am missing this one."

     Abraxas and Cygnus give each other a knowing look. Neither of them were present at any of their children's births. Druella stands and stops Lucius. "They are doing everything possible to make sure Narcissa and the baby survive. Worrying is not going to help. Go home and relax. Play with Ursa. Send your elf here and we will send him to you if something happens."

     "But-" Lucius starts but Druella cuts him off with that look all mothers have. "Yes ma'am."


     "Is she okay?" Bellatrix asks from her place on the floor as Lucius walks into the nursery.

     "They're doing everything to keep her safe. Including not letting me in the room. Your mother got tired of my pacing and sent me home." Lucius replies.

     Ursa waddles over to Lucius. "Dada"

     Lucius kneels down and smiles at Ursa. "Hello Ursa."

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