Chapter 9

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Authors p.o.v: (next morning) 

The group had gathered at the lobby to discuss what they would do next. Y/n was talking to Lisa and Jisso while Rose about Jeonseang. "Unnie, he keeps asking me about his parents. We have no idea what happened to them and I don't know how to console him either." She said, getting worried about the kid.

"Y/n-ah don't worry. We are all here to help take care of him." Jisoo reassured her. She smiled at her unnie. "Noona, when will Jungkook hyung play with me again?" Jeonseang asked, tugging on her dress. He grew close to Jungkook last night when they were playing together. 

"Jeonseangie~ I am here!" Jungkook exclaimed before she could answer. "Yay! Let's play a game hyung." Jeonseang suggested as Jungkook nodded enthusiastically.  "Yah! How can you guys play without me?" Jimin complained and pouted cutely. 

"Jimin, are you a kid?" Rose scolded as she smacked his head. Jeonseang started laughing along with Jungkook witnessing Jimin being scolded by Rose. "YAH! What's all this noise? Let me sleep in peace!" Yoongi shouted from one end of the lobby. 

"Mihanae Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook shouted back.  "Now let's be quiet. We don't want Yoongi hyung to wake up and beat us up." Jungkook said as Jeonseang nodded. 

"Is everyone here?" Jin asked as he came into the lobby. "Yup we're all here." Jisoo replied. "What are we going to do next?" Jimin asked, seriously. "We need to look for food and water supply soon, we have enough to last us a week." Jennie said checking all the food we had gathered. "We also need a mode of communication so that we can try and look for safe zones." Jisoo suggested. 

"I think it's best if we look around for a bit outside. I'll try to see if I know anything around here since I was brought up here. Taehyung put forth his idea. "That's a good idea but the question is is it safe?" Jungkook asked. No one responded. "Exactly. It's not safe!" Jungkook exclaimed throwing his hands into the air in frustration. 

"I know, but we have to try. We might have a chance." Yoongi said. "Oppa, we can't risk it." Y/n said trying to convenience him. "We have no other choice y/n." Taehyung slightly raised his voice slightly. 

"But is it worth it? Is it worth giving your life for?" y/n raised her voice too. "WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT US TO DO? SIT HERE AND DIE?" Taehyung shouted making everyone flinch. "Taehyung! Watch what you're saying." Jin said in a warning tone. Everyone went quiet for a bit. The tension was high. 

"What he's saying is not wrong though, we're all gonna die." Rose choked out. "Don't say that! We'll make it out?" Jimin said trying to comfort her. "How Jimin? Look at us, fighting among ourselves like this." She sobbed while hugging Jimin. 

"Noona, are we going to die?" Jeonseang asked y/n with teary eyes. She didn't know how to reply. She looked at Jungkook who was looking back at her. He understood that she couldn't answer him. "No No Jeonseangie~ We won't. Hyung and noona will keep you safe." He said wiping the poor kid's tears away. "Now put on a smile and give hyung a hug." he said opening his arms wide. 

Jeonseang hugged Jungkook and giggled. Y/n looked at them with a small smile. "Jeonseang-ah let's go play something." Lisa interrupted and took Jeonseang away so that the others could decide their next move. 

Once Lisa took Jeonseang away, the others got back to the discussion. "Look, guys, we have to risk it. There's no other option. If we continue like this we won't survive for long." Yoongi said. "All we can do now is keep ourselves alive and wait for the government to send the rescue squad." Jungkook said, sighing. 

"To keep ourselves alive, we need to go out and get food and water supply.!" Yoongi exclaimed. "I'm afraid you're right." Jin spoke finally. "We have to do something, not just sit here and wait for help when we don't even know if the government is taking any action." He said. 

"We'll look around the hotel again to see if we can find anything useful. Gather whatever you this will be useful to us. We'll go out later tonight and look for supplies." Taehyung said. Y/n was thinking of asking if she could go with them. "And no y/n, you cannot come." Taehyung said as if he read her mind.

"But I didn't even say anything!" She protested. "I am your brother, I know you too well." He smirked at her as she rolled her eyes. "Fine! Whatever. Just come back within 3 hours or else I will come out looking for you." She said looking away, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes, Ma'am." He soluted, making his sister giggle. The others laughed at the sibling's craziness. Shouting at each other for a minute and making each other laugh the next minute. 

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