Chapter 21

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Taehyung p.o.v:

We're on the ship now but Jin hyung, y/n and Jungkook are no where to be seen. "Yoongi hyung I'm worried." I said holding Jeonseang. " I know Tae, let's find out where Y/n, Jungkook and Jin hyung are," he said. We went around the entire ship looking for them but they were no where to be found. I finally approached the help desk and asked the person if anyone names Y/n/Jungkook/Jin had boarded the ship.

The person started typing something in the computer and said " Jungkook and Y/n are on board, may I ask who you are?" " I am Y/n's brother. Which room are they in?" The person typed something again and let me know where they were. I went back to the group and let them know.

We immediately got tested and we're sent to our own rooms. I couldn't wait to make sure Y/n, Jin hyung and Jungkook were okay so as soon as the testing was over I went over to Y/n's room. I hesitantly knocked and waited for her to open the door.

Y/n p.o.v:

I was in my room with Jungkook when someone knocked. I walked over to the door and opened it. To my surprise if was Tae oppa. I hugged him tightly as soon as I saw him. "Thank God you're safe." He whispered hugging me back. I pulled out of his embrace and looked down. "What's wrong y/n?" He asked, sensing the sudden change in my expression.

"J-jin oppa-" I started but I immediately broke down into tears. I couldn't hold it back. I'm so scared and broken. "I-It's all my f-fault that oppa is g-gone now. I'm so s-sorry." I stuttered as sobs racked my body.

Taehyung p.o.v:

It felt like my soul just left my body. I can't believe this. I felt hot tears prick my eyes as I watched y/n cry. I wanted to hold her and tell her that it's okay but I couldn't move. I dropped to my knees and cried out loud not caring about the weird looks that the people in the corridor were giving me.

Y/n bent down and hugged me, still crying. Jungkook stood there with teary eyes. I can't accept that hyung is gone. He was everything for y/n and me. Without him we're nothing. I feel so helpless and I feel like I wouldn't be able to protect y/n without hyung with me. I-i need him.

"H-how did t-this happen?" I asked wiping off some of my tears and standing up. The three of us sat on the couch and Jungkook explained what happened. "I-i'm so sorry. It's a-all my fault. If only I hadn't passed out." Y/n continued blaming herself, crying again.

"No, y/n hyung wouldn't want you to blame yourself. He's probably in a better place you know?" I told her, making myself believe those words as well. She nodded slightly. "I'm gonna go get the others, you guys wait here." I said, leaving the room to fetch the others.

Everyone was the front desk area. I walked up to them and took them to y/n's room. "Tae are you okay?" Lisa asked, noticing my weird behaviour. I shook my head as a 'no'. "What happened honey?" She asked, worry and concern visible in her eyes. "J-jin hyung is n-no m-more." I said trying my best to not break down again.

"W-what-" I just nodded my head, sniffling. I couldn't utter another word. I was numb. I couldn't feel anything. It wasn't even this painful when my parents passed but Jin hyung- he's been our parent for 26 years. It's unfair for him to leave us like this.

Jisoo p.o.v:

I heard Taehyung say it, though it was meant only for Lisa's ears I couldn't help but over hear. At first I thought he was kidding but then, I saw his expressions change like he was on an emotional rollercoaster. I can't imagine a world with him gone. I quietly ran away from the group to be by myself for a while. I can't be around people right now.

I didn't know where I was going but I kept running. I finally arrived at the deck of the ship. It was late evening and no one was around . I leaned over the railing and started at the waves as it crashed against the ship. "Miss, are you okay?" Someone asked. I just nodded without looking back. 

"You don't seem okay, do you need something." They asked again. I turned around and started at the person. "Miss, why are you crying?" He asked. I felt my cheeks with my hand and I was crying but I didn't realize it earlier. I wiped my tears immediately, and said, "Its nothing. Sorry for the trouble." I tried walking away but he held my wrist. 

"I am Kim Namjoon, The Director General of the Military, Do you want to talk?" He asked, I let my tears flow again as I nodded slightly. He made me sit on one of the chairs and seated himself opposite to me. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I lost someone. He turned into a zombie" I said. "Oh, I'm sorry, but can I tell you something? Promise you'll keep it a secret?" I nodded. "We may be able to bring them back." He said and my eyes widened. "W-what?" He nodded. "Our scientists have discovered something kind of medicine for humans and if its successful, we may be able to bring those zombies back to life." 

My heart pounded faster and faster. "Oh my god, please bring him back! Here's his picture." I handed him the only picture I had of Jin left. "Please find him and bring him back." I pleased. "I will try my best, but please for now, take some rest." He told me as I nodded. "Thankyou so much." I said as I left to find the others. 

Y/n p.o.v: 

Everyone arrived and we told them about Jin oppa. But Jisoo unnie was not there. "Where's Jisoo unnie?" I asked. "I noticed her run off somewhere a few minutes ago, I think she heard what I said to Lisa." Tae oppa said. "Don't worry, she'll be back, I know it." Jennie said and I nodded. 

"Noona, why are you sad?" Jeongsan asked. "Its nothing baby, my eyes are just burning because noona didn't sleep well." I lied. "Okie noona, sleep well." He said, kissing my cheek. I secretly looked at Jungkook, he was staring at me with a jealous look on his face. 

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