Chapter 19

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Namjoon p.o.v:

The ship was starting to flood with more people, but the lowest decks were used by the doctors and researchers. We had captured some zombies and the researchers are using them to find a vaccine for this virus to stop spreading. "Mr. Kim!" I turned around to find one of the rescue squads. With them stood a couple of people, probably the ones they rescued.

"We found them near a store, what do we do with them?" One of the squad members asked. "Take them to the lower deck and get them checked. Once you know for sure they are alright, take them to a room and make sure they're comfortable." "Yes sir!" The squad escorted the two of them to the lower deck.

I watched as they left. The girl looked a bit familiar. I wondered if I have seen her somewhere before. I decided to follow them to them to make sure.

Y/n p.o.v:
I'm worried about the others. We haven't seen them in a while. I hope they're safe. I can't afford to loose anyone else. I don't know how to break the news to Jisoo unnie and Tae oppa. They're going to be really sad.

I tried to stop thinking about that for a while and focus on what we're doing right now. The military men lead us toward the lower decks of the ship. The elevator they used looked very weird. Like it's made to prevent people unwelcome. As soon as the elevator hit the lower deck the doors opened and a gush of wind blew towards us with a weird smell to it.

Kind of like the smell of a hospital. It made me want to puke. I looked over at Jungkook. His face was so pale, he looked so tired and worn out. My heart ached looking at him like that. He noticed me looking at him and flashed a small smile at me, telling me that everything will be okay.

We were now in a hospital like set up. There was a man wearing a doctor's coat. He was busy with some syringes and blood samples. He finally turned towards us. "Hello! I think that you guys are the people they rescued from the grocery store. I am Jung Hoseok. I will be checking you guys for any infection and once I'm sure that you're not infected, you guys can enjoy the hospitality of this ship."

We just nodded. "Why do you guys look so gloomy?" He asked. I looked at Jungkook with a pained expression. "We lost a special someone." Jungkook said in a monotone. "Oh, I'm so sorry." The doctor said as he made us sit on the chairs placed in front of his desk.

"What are your names?" He asked. "I'm Kim Y/n" I answered and Jungkook introduced himself as well. "Lovely names, and where are you guys from?" He asked as he jotted down all the information we gave him. "We're from Busan. And please could we just get this over with." Jungkook replied, a bit annoyed.

"I'm sorry Mr. Jeon, this is the procedure we need to follow to let you stay aboard the ship." He apologised with a sorry look on his face. "Fine, please make it fast." The doctor nodded and took more information about us.

He finally took his syringe and took the samples of Jungkook and my blood. He told us that he'll be back in 5 minutes and left us alone in the room.

"That doctor is weird." I said. "He sure is" Jungkook agreed with me. "What do you think happened to the others?" I asked. "What if I loose Tae oppa also?" I asked as I felt a lump form in my throat. "Hey hey stop thinking like that." He took my hands in his and caressed my and with his thumb in a comforting manner.

"They made us a promise to stay safe, and they will." He reassured me. A drop of tear rolled down my cheek. He wiped it away and pulled me into a hug. "I love you." He said. I pulled out of his embrace in a hurried manner. "W-what?" I asked not being to able to believe what he just said.

Are my ears playing tricks on me? "I said that I love you" he repeated himself. My mind went blank. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He shuttered, he looked heart broken. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Don't over think it." He said again.

I slapped him right across his face. He looked at me with wide eyes holing his cheek. "W-what was that f-for?" He asked. I said nothing and jumped onto his lap instead and hugged him tightly, hiding my face in his chest. Wow I can feel his abs through his shit.

He nervously wrapped his arms around me. "That was for not telling me sooner. Do you even know how many times I've imagined us being a couple." I looked up at see his red face. "Does this mean I can k-kiss you?" He asked with hopeful eyes. I just nodded.

He leaned in as I closed my eyes ready for his lips to meet him. Suddenly the door burst open. "Oh shit. I'm sorry, wrong timing but guys this is important." The doctor walked in. I rolled my eyes secretly at him. Jungkook was looking like a tomato.

I got off his lap and took a seat on my chair. "Miss y/n, your blood has some different kind of cells that cannot be identified. May I ask if you are aware of anything that could explain that?" He asked. I thought for a while and remembered what Jin oppa told me back when we were home.

To be continued.

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