Chapter 18

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Y/n p.o.v:

Jin oppa's hand was bleeding. He was still fighting the zombies. I wanted to help him. I shakily took a pistol out and aimed at one the zombies. Jungkook was also trying to help. Everything was a blur. I took at shot at one of those disgusting creatures. I heard the bullet fire. I felt my heart skip a beat. 

I did it. I killed it! I aimed at the other zombie and took another shot. I managed to buy us some time but I didn't kill the second one. "Hyung RUN!" Jungkook said and the three of us started running into the back of the store. I opened a random door and got inside. It was a storage room kind of thing. Jin oppa shut the door as soon as we got inside and locked it. 

He leaned against the door and tried to catch his breath. "H-hyung....your hand." Jungkook looked at me and I looked at oppa's hand. I don't want to believe it but it is a bite mark. "I know. I know that I got bitten." Oppa said. I felt my eyes starting to water. Is this the end? I hate this. And before I knew it I started sobbing. 

Oppa hugged me and I clutched onto his shirt tighly. "Oppa, I don't want you to go." "I know baby. I know." He said as his voice cracked. I felt his tears run down my neck. Jungkook joined the hug and started sobbing too. "I don't have much time." He said while taking deep breaths. 

I shook my head furiously. "NO IF YOU'RE GOING I WILL COME TOO!" I cried. "Listen to me. Jungkook take care of y/n. And y/n, live a long and happy life. Tell Taehyung that I love him a lot and I'll always be here with you guys. Tell Jisoo that she has to move on and find someone who won't die on her like I am about to do." He said as more tears flowed down all of our faces. 

Oppa wiped my tears and pinched my cheek. Just like how he used to do when we were kids. "Tell everyone that I'm sorry and tell them I love all of them. Jungkook be strong. Be there for y/n please. I trust you with her." He took my hand and and placed it in Jungkook's. I looked at Jungkook with a tear-stained face. He nodded at Jin oppa. 

Jin oppa broke the hug and pulled away. "I have to go now." He said. "No oppa 5 more minutes please." I begged him to stay. "Fine but just 5 minutes." He said and I hugged him again. He caressed my hair in a soothing manner. I stayed in his warm embrace for a long time. We were all quiet for a while.

"Y/n- I need to go out now." Oppa said quietly. I pulled away and nodded while forcing a smile on my face. "I love you so much." He said and kissed my head. "Jungkook, take care." He said and they hugged. "Now smile both of you." He said. We tried our best to give oppa a smile.

I watched as he walked out of that door knowing he's never going to come back. That thought killed me. I slid down the wall and brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them. I balled my eyes out as Jungkook brought me into his embrace.

"It's gonna be okay. You're a strong person." He kept saying soothing things to me. I couldn't speak a word. I felt so empty and numb. Jin oppa was my everything. He was my brother, my friend, my mother, my father. I can't digest the fact that he's not gonna come back.

"Hey look at me." Jungkook said and I looked up. "You're so strong y/n. We have to get out of here. We have to live. If not for us, at least for the promise we made to your brother." He said. I nodded and wiped my tears away. "O-okay." I sniffled. Jungkook got off the ground and helped me up.

We heard a sudden explosion. It was somewhere nearby. We looked at each other with wide eyes. We were thinking the same thing. 'the military'. We loaded out guns and got ready to go out. "Wait Jungkook." I stopped him. "I'm scared." I told him. He brought his hand up and cupped my cheek. "Don't worry. I'm here for you. We will get out of here and get to safety." He reassured me. I nodded and gathered all my courage.

Jungkook started turning the door knob. "In!" He threw the door open and we took a run for it. The store was empty. But we could hear shooting outside. We ran outside and it was close to dawn. "Jungkook look!" I pointed at a tanker that was approaching us. "Omg were gonna be alive!" I exclaimed. "YESSS!!" Jungkook screamed as he hugged me and lifted me off my feet.

By the time we finished our little celebration the vehicle arrived in front of the store. we got inside the tanker immediately. I let out a breath of relief. Jungkook and I shared a small smile as a sign of victory. I rested my head on his shoulder as he placed an arm around me. We were on our way to the ship.

"Jungkook what are we going to tell the others?" I asked him quietly. He remained quiet. I moved away from him to look at him. "I-I don't know-" He said in a small voice. I looked down at my feet. "I miss him." I said as my eyes became teary. "Its all my fault." "No! Y/n stop it. Don't say that, it wasn't your fault. Here look at this." He took a watch out of his pocket. It was Jin oppa's. 

"Where did you get this from?" I asked. "He wanted you to have it." Was all he said. "Thanks." I said as I hugged him. He looked a bit hesitant. "What is it kookie?" He pulled out of the hug and backed away as I looked at him confused. 

"Its just something that I have been thinking about. I don't think this is the right time-" "GUYS COME ON LETS MOVE IT. WE'RE AT THE BEACH." One of the soldiers cut him off. He sighed. "Lets go." He said taking my hand as we got out onto the beach. 

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