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Garland Moon: Month of Lanato's Rebellion

The weather today was not pleasant that summer midafternoon as the skies over Fodlan promised a chance of rain showers. Regardless though Jeralt had his hands full dealing with matters as the Knight of Seiros's captain. The last few days he had been in a sour mood on top of it as this week he would have been celebrating his marriage with his late wife. There were two days that left the aging blonde in such a horrible mood that made him drink a bit more heavier then usual and both involved his family.

"Father?"Jeralt stopped in his steps through the halls at the familiar shout of his daughter.

"Oh its you kid, what's got you in such a rush?"he asked.

Byleth held out his surprise his drinking flask. "You dropped this in the hall again."

"So I did, thank you kiddo."grinned Jeralt as he happily took it. Honestly he had not noticed that he had lost this as he stashed it away in his belongings. However he had not counted on the look of worry and concern that seemed so foreign on his daughter's face. Was he seeing things or was his daughter openly showing something was bothering her while standing there in her thoughts!?

"Byleth is there something bothering you? You've never been one to show concern like this."Jeralt asked making his daughter look back over as they walked into the knight's lounge right by the meeting hall. 

"Actually I just told my class yesterday we are to help Catherine with cleaning up the aftermath with a rebellion."she informed smoothly. Byleth had once been through such a task with her father when she was only 14 years old. It had been a job they had been hired for during a trip in Almyria. It had been a rather routine and extremely boring one though for them both but it paid well.

"Hm, and why would this be?"Jeralt pondered.

"Most of the class are worried since its in Faerghus territory in the east. But...Ashe took it the hardest when I told them who caused it. Ashe is Lonato's adoptive son."Jeralt instantly understood as he sighed. Of course this was about her students that had swiftly become very good friends with his little girl! Ashe was if he remembered a relatively polite, well mannered young man that had once been a bandit on the streets. Taken into that noble's care and warm home off the streets. "I see. Hm?"Jerealt looked over to see tow sachets on his daughter's belt. They carried a strong herbal scent to it that was quite medical in nature. "Hey kiddo whatcha got there?"

"hm?"Byleth blinked before looking down at the two seperate sachets taking one of them and opening to reveal they in deed held herbs. "Rhea gave me these. Each one's different but she said it'll help Ashe and another student of mine that's been very stressed."

Jeralt frowned as he turned serious. "Well I best not keep you and I have work to do."

"Of course. I'll see you later Father."Byleth said flatly before hurrying out of the room with a quick wave.

Jeralt though looked out as he took to leaning against the wall by the window. The pitter patter of rain as it began to fall would promise a misty, foggy morning for much of Fodlan no doubt. However he felt troubled and old worries and suspicions began to surface. Just what was Rhea up to? Why take such a keen interest in Byleth...s-she didn't suspect the truth did she!? He remembered ever since Byleth was discovered to have talents as a white mage she went to visit Lady Rhea once a week for private lessons. "Sitri just what is Rhea planning to do with our daughter? Am I being over protective or are my fears warranted?"he muttered as he grabbed his drinking flask and started indulging in his liquor.

What was Archbishop Rhea after?

He had to keep looking for his daughter's sake but for now no harm was being done. So for now he'd continue being a reluctant lap dog while he watched over his darling daughter.

To Be Continued...

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