Wolves And Defiled Grave

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Verdant Rain Moon: Events of Cindered Shadows after Lance of Ruin.

Byleth glared at her father from over her still bandaged shoulder. Since the mission Byleth's work load had been lessened due to her injury to her shoulder and back. She still taught her precious lion cubs and helped where she could. But physically she couldn't handle any sparing like she usually did with Dimitri, Felix, and Catherine!! It made her very, very moody and cranky even. Her freguent healing sessions with Lady Rhea and her now very close friend, Mercedes while they promised she'll be better by the next mission left her exhausted and sore. 

"Stop worrying about me already! I told you a million times I'm fine!"she hissed.

"Yeash can you blame me for worrying about you kiddo?"Jeralt said putting his hands up in surrender. He swore Byleth's new found emotions were a frightening force of nature. Revealing fast that his daughter had his temper but Setri's bite to it. Lately he had noticed her listening a bit less to him and more to Dimitri when the prince asked her to take it easy right now. Making him realize more she wasn't a child so much anymore but a grown woman in her own right. A woman he could tell was unknowingly between both parties being courted. 

"No I can't but you're being overbearing father. You're not going to be able to protect me forever you know!"she stated flatly. "I still have to find whomever defiled mother's grave!!"

Jeralt hissed as he was reminded of what that man had done. Reminded that his late wife's body had been taken from her final resting place. It made his blood boil over as he thought of that damn Aelfric! If he didn't had to leave for a mission yet again he'd help hunt him down himself. But what made his blood run even hotter was when Dimitri had told him that brat, Yuri had struck at his daughter like weaseling backstabber he was.

His daughter.

His adorable, brave daughter that was injured yet once more held her own that brat had once again hurt. However the look in Byleth's eyes was not of one that had been betrayed....did she know something? If Yuri was a weasel or rat then his daughter was a vixen of a fox or some sneaky feline. 

"Now excuse me father I believe you have a mission and I have some vermin exterminating to do."Jeralt could only watch the determination in her eyes as she left in haste. Jeralt though was still extremely worried so he trailed after her from a safe distance. Coming to a halt to hide behind one of the trees at finally finding her. as he stole a peek he could see Dimitri with her as he guided her to sit under one of the trees. He couldn't make out what they were talking about but he could see Byleth ending up resting her head on the prince's shoulder before dozing off. From here he could see the pain and exhaustion from earlier today had caught up to her. Dimitri just smiling before he too ended up dozing off with some of the other Blue Lions discovering them not long after with Claude and Edelgard not far behind. 

Maybe with Dimitri he would not need to worry so much about his little girl? The crown prince and everyone of the students adored her to bits, making sure she took care of herself while she heals. So he decided to quietly leave to head out for his next task at hand. Whatever happened next he had complete faith his daughter was in safe and capable hands. They would find Aelfric and no doubt make so Setri could rest once more.


Upon his return Jeralt was surprised to see Yuri standing there at Sitri's restored grave with Byleth and Dimitri. Fury took over and he marched over and just punched the lavender haired pretty boy out flat onto the ground. "You! How dare you!"

"Father stop!"plead Byleth as she pulled him away.

Yuri turned wide eyed at the aging blonde knight captain that was being held back with Dimitri's help. "Please stop this at once Captain Jeralt, he's not our enemy."

"Ugh...your father packs quite the punch doesn't he, Professor Eisner?"grunted Yuri as he got to his feet rubbing his now swollen cheek. He already had a black eye from that war monk he called a friend and fellow wolf. But Yuri had seen this coming considering what he had done to Byleth to render her unable to fight back. It had been a dull blade but he had hurt Byleth nonetheless. Something Dimitri clearly would not forgive him easily for either. "I do not blame your father's anger. I did harm you after all professor."

"That is correct you insolent brat!"growled Jeralt. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't give you hell!"

"Captain Jeralt he did harm Professor Eisner yes but he did it to stop her from getting hurt further by Aelfric. He and the rest of the Ashen Wolves helped put the fiend down and retrieve your late wife's body."Dimitri explained swiftly. 

"What!?"Jeralt looked at the trickster in disbelief.

"Its true. The blade was blunt, the only damage done was that he reopened the wound on my shoulder. Yuri even helped restore the tombstone, see?"Byleth said as she pointed to the grave. 

Jeralt looked with amazement at seeing the fresh tombstone with brand new finally carved letters before turning ihs gaze to Yuri. "You...did this?"

"You're welcome."chuckled Yuri.

"Rhea's rewarding the Ashen Wolves after we convinced her to keep Abyss and rework it into a living area for refugees. She offered them a chance to enroll in academy. Yuri, Balthus, and Constance are now all part of the Blue Lions."Byleth informed. "So please, reframe from trying to hurt him."

"You never like making this easy for me lately do you kiddo? Alrigh' I won't deck him. But he is in for a world of pain."Yuri instantly gulped at the menacing aura the Blade Breaker was giving off as he cracked his knuckles. Byleth and Dimitri could only watch as her father dragged the poor fallen noble away as they sweat dropped. Poor Yuri but he was learning fast not to mess with the daughter of a famous knight said to be the strongest the Knights of Seiros had ever had.

To Be Continued...

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