Daughter's Lament

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Ethereal Moon: Abandoned Church Mission

Some say you can sense when your end is near...

That the Goddess Sothis grants a short period of time to tie up loose ends...

So that you may leave this world with nothing to hold you back nor regrets to weigh you down...

Give you a chance to make amends with those closest to you. So that you can say goodbye....

D-Did you know you wouldn't be coming home...Father...?

Rain fell heavy that Ethereal Moon over the grounds of the abandoned cathedral as Byleth held her fallen father in her arms. Crimson dyed her black dress, fair skin, and the muddy earth with the blood of her dying father. Jeralt looked up with a pained smile seeing the newest emotion on his little girl's face. "Sorry..It looks like I'll h-have to leave you now..."he groaned.

"D-Don't try to talk, please dad you aren't going to just up and leave me like this!"sobbed Byleth as she desperately tried to heal him with her mana. But before long she realized the knife wound was fatal....nothing could be done. Realization dawned and with it she felt a heaviness to her chest, an ache she had never felt. She felt something wet begin to form and fall from her eyes.

It surprised him further as he felt tears, forcing Jeralt to look to see the sorrowful look on his daughter's face. His daughter was actually for the first time in her life crying!? What's more these tears...they were because of him. It made him have mixed feelings at this revelation. But oddly...he felt content as he closed his eyes with a smile as he spoke, "To think that first time I get to see you cry it would be tears for me."

"D-Dad..."sobbed Byleth softly. "You liar you promised we get to dance more! Didn't...Didn't you have something you want to tell me?"

"I don't think I'll have that chance. It's saddens me seeing you cry, and yet...I'm happy for it. Thank you...kid."with that Jeralt breathed his last.

The next he opened his eyes Jeralt was but a phantom watching as his little girl crying over his body as the rain grew heavier. He looked over as Dimitri raced over to her side whispering words to her as he shielded her from the rain. Glaring behind him into the shadows as he lead Byleth away. 

"Jeralt, dear."Jeralt turned around and was greeted by the familiar gentle smiling face of Sitri. Eagerly he raced to her side and brought her into a tight embrace.

"Oh how I missed you my beloved Sitri."Jeralt was grinning ear to ear. But his gaze went back to where he saw Dimitri and Byleth as the young prince took his horse and Byleth's pegasus away from here. 

"Our daughter found a fine young man and you raised her well just like I knew you would. She'll be fine."reassured Sitri.

"Yes, you're right. All we can do now is watch over her."agreed Jeralt.

"Come, lets go. No need for us to stay here anymore."she soothed grabbing her husband by the hand. Jeralt looked back one last time and smiled before he vanished with his wife. While in the crash of thunder from the storm the sound of a grieving wail of his daughter seemingly broke the heavens.

Despite how it happened father...

You seemed to be at peace as she slipped away in my arms and are now so far from my reach...

It's not fair, you liar...

Y-You promised me more dances and things to look forward to! Liar...

I didn't want our first dance to become our last...

Why you have to go and leave me all alone!?


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