My Request To You

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[A/N: Inspiration here from a fan comic/comic dub called Last Dance. Hope you enjoy as this is the one I was looking forward to most.]

Ethereal Moon: Night of The Ball

Byleth sighed as she finally some how managed to escape the ballroom for some much needed fresh air. Very cold and frigid on this cloudless night mind you but she needed it desperately. Crowds were still and properly would never be something she would ever get used to. Everywhere she looked she had been how had they put it? the bell of the ball? All the boys and even some of the girls had wanted to sweep her away onto the dance floor. The very, very clear look of jealousy on Dimitri's face she saw when Claude had swept her away onto the ballroom floor away from the side lines. For crying out loud she was supposed to be just the chaperone tonight; how annoying.

But at the insistence of the girls in her class she had dressed up a little and they had even helped her with her makeup. She had on a white and mint green version of her black dancer dress with trims of gold and a pink translucent shawl. The instant she had walked in poor Sylvain true to pervert he was had passed out from a nosebleed. Dimitri had become a blushing and stuttering mess. And many of the boys seemed to have been effected tonight by how stunning she looked. 

"I thought I'd never get away..."she grumbled.

"Hey kid!"Byleth looked over to see her father coming over.

"Father, you're back."she said with a small smile as he waved his greeting at her.

"My, my look at you as beautiful as your mother was in that dress."hummed Jeralt in delight. 

"Do I really look like Mother?"Byleth squeaked turning flustered.

"Indeed you do. But why aren't you in there having fun with the rest of those brats?"he asked as he looked over at the lively ballroom.

"I needed to get was overwhelming."huffed Byleth. "I wasn't expecting being a chaperone meant being pulled away to dance every second...ouch my feet.."

Jeralt couldn't help but laugh a little raising her brow at the fact she was actually fussing and complaining now. How far his daughter had come from that silent child. "So you were lil' miss popular tonight were you? I'm not surprised."he chuckled. Byleth just pouted but was surprised when her father offered his hand to dance. "Think you ca manage one more kiddo? For your old man."

So for awhile the father and daughter danced at an even slow pace. Byleth clearly surprised by her father's skill as he ended up talking about Sitri being so shy at the balls. So Jeralt would always approach her and sweep her away to dance. How both of Byleth's late mother and himself had danced often since. Byleth also telling him she had learned from her students for the Heron Cup. She voiced how she wanted to learn when she was a child but never voiced her desire since seeing people dance seemed to leave Jeralt solemn and in a sour mood. In the end Jeralt promised he would dance more with her before Byleth left for the Goddess Tower.

Jeralt though quietly followed from a safe distance and soon noticed after awhile Dimitri come around the corner from up the steps and went inside the tower. After awhile Byleth came out with him. Dimitri seemed to notice as he motioned for Dimitri to come over.

"Oh something the matter Dimitri?"she asked curiously.

"No, I'll catch up in a bit you head on ahead."Dimitri reassured as he hurried off into the quiet cathedral. He slowed once he spotted Jeralt sitting on one of the benches so without a word he joined the aging knight and sat down beside him.

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