Did You Just Smile?

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Horsebow Moon: Month of Flayn Search & Rescue; Byleth's Birthday

Jeralt let out a startled yelp of surprise as he looked up to the sky. Above him he saw a black pegasus mare race towards him as he rode his horse, Trotter back towards the monastery. He had just reached the outskirts of the town when he heard his daughter's voice. Sure enough there was Byleth as she brought the pegasus to a slow glide near him. "Welcome back."

"Hey kiddo, that's a fine pegasus you got there. When did you receive that?"Jeralt asked as he got Trotter to slow to a steady trot as Byleth's mare touched down on solid ground. The black mare was striking as it folded its wings with an excited huff.

"Oh, Ebony? She's a birthday gift from Dimitri. We also rescued Flayn, Father!"she said with a twinge of delight in her tone. 

Jeralt though was taken aback at seeing the smile gracing his daughter's face for the first time. A smile that rivaled her mother, Setri's own. It was not a fake one or one that held mischief either. It was sincere and warm to the point of being angelic. "My word, Byleth did you just smile?"

Byleth grinned at her father in delight. "Why? Is it wrong that I'm smiling?"

"N-No not at all! I was surprised is all, kid. It makes me very happy to see that you are happy."he reassured.

"Oh good, cause Dimitri likes my smile Father. Frankly I like the warm feeling he gives me too and everyone seems happy to see me smiling."she said in delight. 

Jeralt watched his daughter bring her steed into a gallop and couldn't help but smile fondly in a fatherly fashion as he watched her as they arrived in the town at the foot of the monastery. His brown eyes turning nostalgic and forlorn as he watched her gallop over to Dimitri and Constance as they approached with Dedue and Ingrid in tow. "Setri our daughter, slowly but surely she's needing me less and less. It makes me feel a bit melancholy but I couldn't be prouder of our daughter."he thought with a solemn smile. 

Byleth was not a child.

She had found somebody in Jeralt's eyes clearly cared and adored his little girl just as much as he loved Sitri. By the look an sparkle in Dimitri's azure eyes as they talked Jeralt knew. That was the same look he used to have every time he saw Sitri from what the other knights and Rhea would point out. Looking at his daughter smiling there was a spark of wonder and affection in those sapphire eyes. The way they lit up in joy and delight every time she saw Dimitri was different from the rest of her steadily growing class. It was just like how Sitri would act and smile around himself when he brought her flowers. 

Despite his misgivings of Rhea now more then ever he knew....Byleth coming to the monastery had been a positive thing. Made her open up and show and feel emotions. She had shown so many in the span of this year as he dug into his bag reveal a wooden carving of a lioness with a small cub. "To think you're birthday is today. I may not keep track of my age anymore but I've kept track of your's."he thought fondly. He had been working on this carving for months ever since Byleth had chosen the blue lion house. But he would give this to her later, after he reported in his findings.

Yes, Happy 21st Birthday Byleth Eisner.

To Be Continued...

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