History Repeating?

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Blue Sea Moon: Month of the Rite of Rebirth

It was utter chaos.

Not once but many times Jeralt had witnessed his daughter running around the monastery like a pack of giant wolves were on her heels. Never had he seen her look so determined or show so much emotion as she went asking folks left and right about possible areas that held things of value. From her favorite place the greenhouse all the way to the library and everything in between. Even her students were running around gathering information. 

Once more it shocked him just how in sync his daughter and Prince Dimitri were in mindset. Like two halves a coin both thought this entire assassination plot was a ploy by the enemy; a distraction. But in all these months Byleth was showing more and more emotions to the point she was opening up and showing her feelings like any average person. His heart swelled in pride and as much as he wanted to help he knew her lion cubs had all the backup she would need. So for now he would focus on tightening security for the Rite of Rebirth. A bothersome and annoying religious ceremony in Jerlat's eyes but as he was captain of the Seiros Knights he would do his job.


Jeralt had been walking by the next day on his way to go train with the knights again, cutting through the Academy's front yard along the way. He hear excited chatter coming from inside the Blue Lions' classroom. 

"I knew it, I knew it!"came one excited cry which was Sylvain. "Professor's got a crest!"

Growing curious Jeralt decided to steal a peak inside but was careful not to reveal himself. "Sylvain sit down this instant! If you don't I promise to drag your ass out and put you through hell."came a frigid scolding of Byleth earning a soft smirk from Jeralt while the rest of the class laughed as the redhead sat down.

"Forgive me but did Professor Hanneman confirm which crest it was?"asked Dimitri from where he sat towards the front.

"I'm curious myself, please Professor Eisner."asked Annette with excitement.

 Byleth's stoic expression did not waver but her blue eyes softened as she took to sitting on her desk, crossing her legs. "He says because I am able to wield the Sword of the Creator it was clear what my mystery crest was."she said as her hand went to rest on the ivory hilt of the hero's relic at her hip. Jeralt had not seen THAT sword before and now he was interested as he continued to listen in. "I have the Crest of Flames."

All the students' eyes turned wide as they grew excited by this news but as Byleth silenced her class Jeralt peered in again. One thing he noticed as she called Dimitri over she was far firmer but there was an encouraging gentleness in Byleth as he began instruction on his tactics and lance. In that moment Byleth reminded Jeralt so much of her late mother that there was a bit of sadness weighing heavy on his heart as he took his leave then.

"Aaaaahhhh!!! Not again I broke the lance!"Dimitri cried in flustered tone.

"Dimitri! Oh well we'll go grab another one."Jeralt paused in his steps at hearing Byleth and Dimitri's cries from the classroom as he left the Academy grounds behind him. 

He couldn't help but laugh as memories of when he was younger first discovering and getting used to his crest with Sitri's help. "The poor brat, his crest gives him overwhelming strength but he doesn't know how to control it well."he thought in amusement. Little did he know of the dark shadow he had left on another man of the church  due to his love for Sitri that resulted in Jeralt and her's marriage and their only child. The same only child that was now a blossoming young woman. That poor orphaned prince of Faerghus had no clue just how deeply his little girl was ever slowly catching his affections. "Sitri seems history in a way is repeating. But I wonder my love...are they even aware of it?"he whispered under his breath as he looked up to the cloudless sky above. 

Was it irony or some twist of fate that right before his eyes he was seeing his daughter and the crown prince of all people becoming entangled slowly by some red thread of fate twisted with something more? He was not sure. But here in these familiar halls of the monastery he had met and fallen for Sitri. So with a small smile he continued on his way to the knights' hall.

To Be Continued...

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