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Hi, this is the first story I've written so if this is something you would like to read, comment and let me know! I know it's short, sorry. Enjoy <3

"You didn't really let him win did you?" Lailah questioned, as she walked slower than usual, down the stone corridor.

"Of course I did. He was quite upset after that, he asked if I had let him win last year," Leon said, with his arms behind his back as he recounted his encounter with the once and future king.

"And you said, no, obviously," Lailah rolled her eyes as he confirmed, "You suck at lying you know."

"I do not," Leon said with mock hurt at her words. She giggled, "you really do."

He rolled his eyes back at her and laughed. The sun was hot against their backs and the tedious chores and responsibilities weighed heavy on them but the small talks and walks they had were the best part of their day. To see each and their smile, it made it worth it.

A purple flower was tucked in Lailah's brown hair and swayed as she made her way past the closed shops in the plaza. Banners and posters were hung, showing the town's pride and excitement for the upcoming jousting competition. The kingdom had been getting ready all morning, excited to see men get flung off their horses. Lailah smiled at the thought and pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders.

The day was always swelteringly hot, drenching the knights and servants. Weighing them down by soaked clothes and duties. But, the night came quick, basking them in its refreshing air and relief.

Camelot was a beautiful kingdom. Farms surround it in golden felids, thick forests, patroled by the knights, full of herbs and purple flowers. It was amazing to live in such an amazing place and Lailah couldn't be happier to serve the king but it wasn't easy. It definitely wasn't boring and something seemed to happen almost every week, whether it was black knights or sorcerers, it was always an adventure.

But, it was worth it and Lailah couldn't wait for what would happen next. 

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