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Clack, Clack, Clack. Metal crashed against the stone floors, echoing down the corridor.

"Someone's coming," Lailah panicked. Pushing away from each other, she hid behind Leon as a knight walked past them.

"Leon? What are you doing? I thought you were in the hall with everyone else." The knight questioned, and Lailah said a quick prayer, tucking herself out of view.

"Oh yeah, I was but I was getting pretty tired, I'm just heading back to my room," Leon answered as calmly as he could,

The knight's brow furrowed, "But your room is on the other side of the castle."

"Yeah, but I was just taking the scenic route, you know, just making sure everything is safe." He gave a quick nervous smile. Lailah swears he is super serious all the time and could lie smoothly while working but in everyday life, he couldn't lie for shit.

"Ah, I get you, making sure everyone's safe. Classic Leon. Goodnight bud." The knight smiled before walking away.

"You too man." Lingering he watched as the knight turned a corner before he swung around a grabbed Lailah. "Man that was close," he laughed.

She hit his arm, which he mockingly rubbed, "Too close! Why are you so bad at lying?"

"What are you talking about? I can lie very well." He smiled confidently grabbing her waist before pulling her in. She smiled into the kiss.

This is how their relationship worked, in hiding. A knight and a servant weren't allowed to be together, and with Uther ruling, it seemed like that would never change.

But they made it work, with letters and notes, glances and stolen kisses, dark corridors and down in the field away from people. Sometimes if Leon got a day off they would go to the lake, Lailah would bring a basket with all their favorite foods, and after they would go swimming. Just them and the moon reflection over the water.

Late at night, Leon would stop at her door while doing night checkups on the kingdom. They couldn't be seen together so he would leave a flower at the door in a basket before sneaking away.

Lailah would get some parchment and write a note, leaving a light red kiss on the corner, "accidentally" bump into him and slip the note into his pocket. Similar to how they first met. 

Again sorry it's so short, but I do hope you enjoyed it!

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