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   It was of the hottest days of the summer and Lailah's forehead was covered in sweat, her hair clung to her neck as she worked in the hot kitchen. Swiftly walking from table to table she prepared food and drinks, ready to go out.   

Exhausted she struggled through the rest of the day before she had finally finished helping clean dishes and the night had started to cool things off. Wiping her hand on her apron she said goodbye to the other kitchen servant before starting towards the door.

   "Wait!" Mary, the head cook, stopped her, "Here, for you and your father." She handed her a basket of bread, meats, fruit, and cheeses. She did this every once in a while when they had some left over. She knew Lailah had struggled with money ever since her mother died and her father's health had started to decline.

   "Thank you! Have a good night," Mary waved her off as Lailah lugged the basket out of the castle and started on her way home.    

The sun had almost set, and torches lit her way on the stone path: past closing vendors and roaring pubs. Alleys turned dark and the horizon turned pink. Suddenly a hand grabbed her and pulled her into an alley, holding a hand over her mouth. "MMMPPHH," she tried to scream as she was dragged but stopped when she recognized those calloused fingers.

   Pulling his hand off she turned to face him with wide angry eyes, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Surprising you, my love." That damned cheeky smile grew.

"Surprising? I think you mean giving me a heart attack," She dramatically drew a hand over her heart.

"Well, we can't have that. How about I make it up to you?" He took her dramatically placed hand, raising it to his lips, and bowed slightly to place a kiss.

She raised her chin and narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "How?"

That grin was back, "Follow me." his gentle hand grabbed her and pulled her around corners and bends, waiting for night guards to pass before jogging between paths.

Outside of the stone walls was freedom, but dense with trees. With a setting sun, they made quick work of moving before stopping at the lake.

It was beautiful, trees, hues of emerald greens, and coffee brown reflected in the crystal water. The streaks of yellow, pink, and purple ran through the water. Then, she remembered her basket, still clutched in her hand. Gentle putting it down she realized that Leon was shedding his armor. Piece by piece, chainmail draped over his chest and pulled above his head. Until he was only in his undergarments. Noticing her stare he flexed, "Like what you see?"

Her cheeks turned bright pink, "Yep, the lake looks beautiful", she snarky replied

"Ha ha very funny, but it's your turn," He drew closer, his bare feet made no noise as he moved, such a change from his bulky armor.

"You know I think I'm good."

"Mhhmh, sure." He moved behind her, his breath tickling her neck he placed his pink lips against the curve of her neck. His hands slowly untied her apron and let it drop to the floor.

"Want me to keep going?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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